Hello all, sorry if this is the wrong spot. Wasn’t sure where to put this topic.
Quick kalpa question. I’d like to try the immutable. However I use kde for the customization. One thing I really like is having the active screen use the accent color for the title bar instead of the black (breeze dark). So on slow roll I’ve installed the Klassy windows decoration. I wish this feature was just standard in kde and maybe someone out there will tell me I’m wrong and it is. That would be awesome. But regardless, can you do that kind of stuff on kalpa?
Assuming whatever theming you’re applying is being installed to $HOME/.local/* (Which most Plasma addons will be, if you tell it to), yes, all of that should work.
May I ask you one more question? Sorry, I just got into Linux in the last year so I’m still new. I have a computer with slow roll on it and a bunch of programs. The customizations are just the standard kde stuff, like nothing download from git or anything. Can I turn that into kalpa using the cli?
Ok, thank you very much. I have a two computers running slow roll and one is an older 2014 Mac mini that I use for testing things out on bare metal. It’s running slow roll now, but I will reinstall kalpa over it then. Thank you again.