K9copy: No Sound + gen advice

I have kept an old machine around with openSuSE 11.1 for at least a year more than I wanted to because after 11.1 I was never able to get K9copy to produce DVD copies WITH sound.

It looks like the moral of the story, for me, is: Use the separate K9copy Assistant. So far every disk I’ve written with 11.4 and the Assistant has produced fine copies. I don’t know why a doctor would want to operate using a robot when the patient is in the same room, but now I use the Assistant. I guess if the patients keep dying without the robot, that’s a good reason to use it. For me it’s easier to just use K9copy, but after 11.1 I get no sound and I have no more time to try to figure out why.

I now have openSuSE 11.4, i86-64, AMD 4x Phenom with 8G RAM. I shrink the DVDs to 2.8G to save space but some double density disks take much longer to rip so I only shrink them to 3.8 or 4.2G.

The 11.1 machine is also i86-64, AMD 2x Athlon with 2G memory but the buses and general architecture of the system is much slower.