K3B Permission Cause System not to see DVD Drives

Hi All,
I’m currently running OpenSuse 12.3 and ran the K3B Setup to change the permission. After the permission change, I was unable to see my 2 DVD drives in Dolphin File Manager. Does anyone know how to fix this issue ?

Not sure if I’m on the right track with this, but are you a member of the ‘cdrom’ group?

What exactly did you change in K3b Setup?

Don’t use K3b Setup! It’s not necessary. systemd-logind should give your user all permissions it requires (even if you are not in the cdrom group).
On the other hand, AFAICS it shouldn’t cause dolphin to not see your drives.

To fix it, just reboot. The changes to the device permissions should be lost then anyway. (That’s another reason why you should not use K3b Setup… :wink: )

Thanks wolfi323 & deano_ferrari, for your comments. It is strange enough, I rebooted a few times and I’m able to see my 2 DVD drives in Dolphin now.

shellvpower wrote:
> Thanks wolfi323 & deano_ferrari, for your comments. It is strange
> enough, I rebooted a few times and I’m able to see my 2 DVD drives in
> Dolphin now.
Guess Linux is getting more windows-esque. Reboot to fix all issues :slight_smile:
aka Reboot when in doubt

GNOME 3.6.2
openSUSE Release 12.3 (Dartmouth) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.7.10-1.16-desktop

Guess Linux is getting more windows-esque. Reboot to fix all issues :slight_smile:
aka Reboot when in doubt

That is probably the result of using k3b config tool (as Wolfie hinted at). Not necessary, and the reboot fixed it! :slight_smile:

No, it’s not strange at all.
As I told you those changes to the device permissions will get lost when you reboot.
/dev is not on your hard disk, it gets created/changed dynamically by udev (and that’s not a new thing, it’s done this way for some years already).

And again, you should not use (or have a need to use) K3b Setup.
The logged-in user should have sufficient permissions to access the drives without it:

# ls -l /dev/sr*
brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0  4. Okt 06:16 /dev/sr0
brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 1  4. Okt 06:13 /dev/sr1

Notice that ‘+’ after the permissions? That means there are additional access control lists associated with those device files, so let’s check them:

# getfacl /dev/sr*
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: dev/sr0
# owner: root
# group: cdrom

# file: dev/sr1
# owner: root
# group: cdrom

You see? So user ‘wolfi’ has read/write permissions, no matter which groups he belongs to.

I forgot to mention that even K3b Setup’s help text (on the left) hints at that:

It does not take things like devfs or resmgr into account. In most cases this is not a problem but on some systems the permissions may be altered the next time you login or restart your computer. In those cases it is best to consult the distribution documentation.

Caution: Although K3b::Setup should not be able to mess up your system no guarantee can be given.

Well, this text apparently is a bit older already, I guess it should say “but on most systems the permissions will be altered” now… :wink:

Nice explanation Wolfi323. Not something I’d looked into before so I have learned something new. Just proves it’s always good to browse the forums even if you haven’t got an issue :slight_smile: