Just installed 11.3 on a netbook

Hi everyone,

Here’s my experience with installing openSUSE 11.3 on a netbook.

Normally I attach an external CD/DVD-drive to my netbook and boot from an openSUSE installation disk.
But this time I didn’t want to burn an CD and setup all those wires.
So I decided to try installing openSUSE from an USB-stick.
I already had the Live KDE iso image which I used to test openSUSE 11.3 in virtualbox.

First I installed syslinux for the isohybrid program.
Sadly Linux Mint (which I was using) had an old version of syslinux that didn’t contain isohybrid.
So I downloaded it from here: Index of /pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux
Ran this command:

./isohybrid ./openSUSE-11.3-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso

This was done in a few seconds.
Now I needed to write the iso to the USB-stick.
I used this command:

dd if=./openSUSE-11.3-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso of=/dev/sdb

This toke a couple of minutes.

When it finished I was pretty excited.
I rebooted the computer and waited.
I saw the bootsplash of openSUSE appear and chose “Installation”.
Followed the steps and openSUSE 11.3 was installed on my netbook!lol!

Restarted the netbook to boot openSUSE but the only thing I saw was this message:

ERROR 13: No Operating System Installed

Press any key to reboot…
Maybe the error was slightly different. I’m not sure.

The problem was that I didn’t want openSUSE to install Grub into the MBR.
So I changed the bootloader settings during installation.
But somehow the bootloader Grub2 was removed from the MBR?:sarcastic:

So I decide to get the live DVD of Linux Mint and try to recover Grub2.
First attached the external CD/DVD reader.
Wires everywhere, fell over them a few times.:stuck_out_tongue:
Booted from the DVD and ran the command:

sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda

Rebooted the computer and saw the Mint bootsplash.
Started mint ran this command to add an openSUSE bootentry:

sudo update-grub

Rebooted again to start openSUSE.
First I needed to go through the firstrun configuration steps.
When that was done I saw the warm welcoming openSUSE 11.3 background.


Glad to read you succeeded in the end. Thanks for sharing your experience.

The live disks are already hybrids, you only need that command for the DVD and the net install.

Glad to hear it worked in the end, though. :slight_smile: