Job Stopped (problem with epson c45)

I have a problem with suse11 when I try to print. I think the printer is well installed (when I connected the printer to an usb port the computer recognized the mark and do all the work), and when I send a test file with cups (http://localhost:631) appear in the section “jobs”, but doesn’t work (appear job stopped). The same if I send a job from evince and openoffice. I have been searching for an answer on internet but i can’t find anything, and I’m new on suse so I don’t know what to do.

Someone can help me whit this?


PD: I speak spanish and I don’t know much of english, but I do my best and I expect what I try to say in this post is what it says.

Have you checked whether the printer is stopped in CUPS?

Have you checked the logs in the administration page?