Jmicron, grub & booting

Hey there!

First of all, I used the search function, but couldn’t find any posts matching my problem (if someone found a similar, helping post, feel free to tell me). This is my setup(short):
MB: asus p5b with the jmicron ide/sata raid conroller
cpu: core 2 duo 1,8ghz
4 gig ram

I use 1 HDD (150gig, ide, running with the jmicron raid) with the following partitions:
/dev/sda1 is my root partition; ext3, 10 gig with the os installed
/dev/sda2 is my windows partition; 15 gig, ntfs, clean
/dev/sda3 Data/Music/stuff etc… 100gig, ntfs
/dev/sda4 swap, 2 gig
/dev/sda5 is my /home, 28 gig, ext3

Yesterday I intalled 11.1 64 bit on my mashine. The Installation works fine until the first system boot - grub is starting but it isn’t loading the os. I’m stuck at the grub prompt with minmal bash commands.

I had the same problem 1 year ago on the same computer with 10.1. I found out that the problem seems to be the jmicron ide controller which is not detected by my system [Edit: hm… it seems to be detected, the rescue system tells me that the jmicron drivers are loaded into the kernel]. With 10.1 I was able to load the “generetic-ide” directly into the kernel with the rescue system and then boot linux. This isn’t working with 11.1 anymore. When I’m using the repair system it tells me that the filesystem on /dev/sda1 & /dev/sda5 is corrupt and that he isn’t able to repair it. I think the mbr should be fine, but when I try to boot the installed system with the rescue System it tells me “invalid root partition” - no matter which partition I try. I thought this problem would be fixed since 10.2.

I hope there is someone here able to help me. If I’ll find a solution by myself I’m gonna post it here…

Thanks for any answer! Very very confusing…

PS: Bios is up 2 date