java messed up

I got some problems with Personal Brain that i am sure are from java configuration .

how can I uninstall java so that there would be no trace of it,like i never installed it ? so can i install it fresh?

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rpm -qa | grep -i java

should show you your installed Java packages. Once you find the one you
want to lose:

rpm -q <packagename>

Good luck.

rd1381 wrote:
> hi
> I got some problems with Personal Brain that i am sure are from java
> configuration .
> how can I uninstall java so that there would be no trace of it,like i
> never installed it ? so can i install it fresh?
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no this didn’t help
can you tell me what are all of configuration files that are sun java’s

A couple of commands will tell you where java is…

gransremedy@linux:~> which java
gransremedy@linux:~> ls -la /usr/bin/java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2008-07-07 20:23 /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java
gransremedy@linux:~> ls -la /etc/alternatives/java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 2008-08-29 20:22 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-sun/bin/java

So I’ve got the official sun jre (1.6) in /usr/lib/jvm

no you dont get it
i mean configuration files : like :/etc/java/javs.conf and like that
i know where java folder is but unistsalling it and installing again doesnt make it afresh :frowning:
like font configuration in Java that i somehow messed up and now my personal brain app crashes

Did you look inside those directories? I have multiple installations of different versions of both the jre and jdk, perhaps you do too (and were removing the wrong one).

There is probably a hidden java folder in your home directory, but I’m not sure what it contains. Did you try checking there?

For that matter there is probably a hidden folder for your “personal brain” app there too.

i got tired of this stupid answers >:(
i ask where is the configuration for java that suse uses and you all say to look in /usr/lib/java and /etc/alternatives /jvm all like that

but they are installation folder for binary files and libs os java not configuration

ok i give:(

Hmmm, I try to be helpful and this is what I get:


I suspect I’m wasting my time here, but Ok, here you go, this is a page from Sun explaining how the font configuration files, which are inside the jre directory, are used in Java.

I do believe that is exctly what you asked for, eg:

like font configuration in Java that i somehow messed up

If you need further information, I suggest trying your belligerent attitude over on Suns forums - you might get a more “appropriate” response.

sorry i was not myself the night before .sorry i just wanted personal brain to work and i was getting desperate

sorry agian