Iso Download Asks for iChain password


I’m downloading OpenSuse 11 Gnome liveCD Iso but at 94% it asks for a username and password with this hint:

Authenication Required
cdn.novell requires a password [iChain]

What shall i do now?

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This is where a good download manager will come in handy… it seems
you have been on the site too long and it has timed out somehow. You
MAY be able to avoid this by browsing on the download server more to
keep the session active but otherwise keep what you have downloaded so
far and complete it with a download manager (if you were using one) or
get a torrent for OpenSUSE, start the download (make sure it’s getting
the same file(s), substitute in your nearly-complete file, and let the
torrent client finish things up.

Good luck.

untitled67 wrote:
> Hi
> I’m downloading OpenSuse 11 Gnome liveCD Iso but at 94% it asks for a
> username and password with this hint:
> Authenication Required
> cdn.novell requires a password [iChain]
> What shall i do now?
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sad … same happened with me. i was downloading 11.1 dvd from 2days with IDM n now login screen n d’load was about to complete… QQ. now i’ve to download all again >:(

nick, don’t download it again, just use a torrent or aria2c -c -d (-c is for complete incomplete download and -d point it to the directory where it should be saved)

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I don’t know if it checks what pieces of the file were downloaded but it’s plain simple as typing aria2 and copying and pasting link to the terminal :slight_smile: I used it and i’m really amazed how simple that is!

Well option -c is self explanatory, it does check the downloaded pieces, IT’S GREAT!!!

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No… see previous posts. Finish up with a torrent client and you’ll
be done shortly.

Good luck.

nick192 wrote:
> sad … same happened with me. i was downloading 11.1 dvd from 2days with
> IDM n now login screen n d’load was about to complete… QQ. now i’ve to
> download all again >:(
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


“wget -c<path>” is another good way to continue download without Akamai.

The aria2c can’t resume download in this case, because the metalink data puts the iso into a directory, which has exactly same name as the file you’re downloading.

wget -c is the simplest way to go.

You are wrong, think of aria2c as a torrent client, it checks the file and it CAN resume a download. It’s enough to direct it with option -d where -d is the directory where the unfinished file is.Try it then say.