Is there miracast or something like Miracast Wireless Display Software for Linux OS under openSUSE?

i see what archlinus have Miracast Wireless Display Software for Linux OS in aur. Is there something for openSUSE?

I am not aware of any.

I tried searching for “miracast” and for “wds”, and I did not get any matches.

Took a look around at Miracast,
Sounds like very interesting software with a future, but right now is in its earliest implementation stages after only about a year in earliest development.

As of today, there are probably only two distros that have experimental packages…
Ubuntu and Arch Linux.

You can build your own, the following URL seems to be the current Project with source and instructions. The original author’s project hasn’t had any activity since shortly its creation 4 years ago.
A positive aspect is that the code hasn’t undergone major changes for many, many months although was refactored (re-written to improve without major functional changes) only a month ago as of this writing. Suggests has reached a point of stability.

But, note its current build status as “failed,” you will want some clarification before trying to compile your own.

I don’t see that anyone has created a docker container on Docker Hub, so for now I’d recommend virtualization as a way to try out Miracast without a lot of work.


Let me share my experience.
I try use gnome-network-displays. Everything goes well, but it all time request to type password to talk with firewalld. It didn’t connect after all.

Here’s output from gnome-network-displays:
WARNING **: 16:51:56.016: Error with firewall:

And there’s log line from NetworkManager:
device (p2p-dev-wlo1): Peer requested in connection is missing for too long, failing connectiondevice (p2p-dev-wlo1): Peer requested in connection is missing for too long, failing connection.

I’ve read this is issue with pipewire, but I not 100% sure. Maybe this software could work for you. If not, we can try to solve this problem.

You’re posting to a 3 year old Forum thread.
Still, it’d be interesting if someone actually did post their experience with this technology( a kind of mix of multicasting and sreencasting)

Probably the first thing that should be posted is how you installed it on your system.
There are no RPM packages I can find,
But it looks like the project is now very easy to build.
I took a quick look at the github project link I posted years ago, and now there is a bit more info.

Summary of quick look at build instructions…

  • Very easy
  • Supports 3 sets of build tools, all are available and commonly found in all openSUSE
  • A very short list of dependencies, and although listed with Deb names, should be easy to find in openSUSE. Very common packages, nothing exotic.
  • System requirements easily met by openSUSE.

So, if anyone wants to have a go at setting up Miracast on openSUSE, it looks pretty easy for something you have to compile (not pre-built), even someone who hasn’t compiled anything before should be able to build this with maybe a question or two.


zypper history points:
2020-09-03 15:47:09|install|gnome-network-displays|0.90.3-1.2|x86_64|9869:ruby.ruby2.7||12da09438dda4468b05bb90f03978b296355ded06e99c8d52148c577b949508b|

> zypper repos --details
#  | Alias                                | Name                                   | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type     | URI                                                                                  | Service
4 |          | Repozytorium główne (OSS)              | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md   |