The doubt arose due to the differences found in the Gnome Login screen, after installing an OpenSuse Temblewed VM and after performing a normal installation on the standard HD.
In the VM, the login screen is like gnome Wayland and there is only it and two more options, but in the settings, it is presented as X11. Is this by chance the option of the XWayland? I don’t know where I saw this term and if it is being used by the openSuse team, ok? Note: This VM I created with UEFI. for the vm you would need to look on the final YaST install page to see the summary of what is being installed, I suspect since the hardware is virtualized, Xorg is the only option.
Here is the requested:
Apparently the version is already installed
opensuse@localhost:~> sudo zypper install gnome-session-wayland
[sudo] password for root:
Loading data from repository…
Reading installed packages…
‘gnome-session-wayland’ is already installed.
No update candidate for ‘gnome-session-wayland-43.0-1.1.x86_64’. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies…
Nothing to do.