is there a way to unconditionally install a package?

Hi, on my laptop TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro running leap 15.4 and KDE the backlit keyboard every time I update software (via YAST) stop to works, I have to open YAST again and unconditionally install tuxedo-keyboard again and backlit works.
how can I get this behaviour automatically, I thought that set in a way that tuxedo-keyboard package is unconditionally installed every time I update software could be a good idea, have any suggestion?

Wouldn’t it be simpler to lock the tuxedo-keyboard package?

zypper al tuxedo-keyboard

Did you have a look at the manual which describes how to properly load the kernel module at system start?
As this package is only available via a home project for all openSUSE distries, maybe you could also inform the builder that his packages are broken if they don’t work after a normal system update.

Where do you get those packages?
in OBS?

I think if I lock the package it behave like now, I update the rest of software and tuxedo-keyboard doesn’t be updated and I have to reinstall unconditionally as I do now

from this repo

I don’t know nothing about properly kernel module loading, I download from the repo and stop.

As this package is only available via a home project for all openSUSE distries, maybe you could also inform the builder that his packages are broken if they don’t work after a normal system update.
I will try

As expected tuxedo-keyboard package from this repository compiles kernel module during installation. So it is very unlikely that you have problem “every time using YaST to update software”, rather it is “every time kernel is updated”.

The best solution would be to create KMP (kernel module package). This repository offers at least one KMP so it is not that maintainers are not aware of it.

There are other options (trigger on kernel-default-devel and dkms). dkms may actually work without any package change.

yes, may be you are right, rotfl!

The best solution would be to create KMP (kernel module package). This repository offers at least one KMP so it is not that maintainers are not aware of it.

There are other options (trigger on kernel-default-devel and dkms). dkms may actually work without any package change.

in the repository I cannot see KMPs, no one is in x86_64 folder


but seems for r8125
and three DKMS

dkms-bbswitch-0.8-lp151.3.1.noarch.rpm 2022-06-01 13:23 14K ] r8168-dkms-8.040.00-10.57.noarch.rpm 2022-06-01 13:23 95K
] realtek-clevo-pin-fix-1.0.0-1dkms.noarch.rpm

but also these semms for other

so, what have I to do?

I would delete that package and use the 2 packages from here:

wow, maaaaanythanks, I’m doing it nowrotfl!