I am looking to access the virtual resolution and move mouse and windows there.
e.g. Monitor is 1920x1080 virtual resolution 3840x1080
$ cvt 3840 1080 60
# 3840x1080 59.96 Hz (CVT) hsync: 67.16 kHz; pclk: 346.00 MHz
Modeline "3840x1080_60.00" 346.00 3840 4088 4496 5152 1080 1083 1093 1120 -hsync +vsync
$ xrandr --newmode "3840x1080_60.00" 346.00 3840 4088 4496 5152 1080 1083 1093 1120 -hsync +vsync
Then I get the virtual resolution, but I cannot move the mouse there, except I add another monitor. then I can move the mouse there.
Why? if do this. start a VNC server and connect from an Android device via bVNC, you can access the whole screen an zoom to the right part of the screen. That way you can use your Android Tablet as an external monitor.
There are many solution to get Android as an external monitor running, but all require adding a virtual output, which is apparently not so easy with amdgpu, as with intel. where you simple can xrandr --add VIRUTAL.
Theoretically Displaylink EVDI module should work, but I don’t understand the documentation.
If xrandr panning solution would work, this would be the simplest of them all.