Is slowroll still experimental?

on my laptop I tried to upgrade from leap 15.6 to argon but it doesn’t worked
I discovered slowroll now, is it too much experimental to pass from leap 15.6 to slowroll?

I have 19 Slowroll installations, all doing just fine. The real experimenting seems to be done, only some fine tuning seems ongoing.

is it possible to install software from discover?

becouse I see that many repos doesn’t give slowroll versions
this for example

@pier_andreit I have been using Slowroll on one of my installations since it was first made available and I’m happy with it. I use the LTS kernel (kernel-longterm) with it.

The Slowroll portal page on openSUSE’s Wiki, includes instructions for switching a Leap or Tumbleweed installation to Slowroll. The page also shows Slowroll’s current status as beta.

What are these many repos?

for example these that I’m using in my leap 15.6
so I have to find other repos or install the software I take from these repos from discover or other solutions

About the “experimental” status, here is the very source:
AFAIK most “extra” repos from Tumbleweed should work with Slowroll too, at least just after a slowroll upgrade.

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