Is KDE 4.8 ready now?

Solution 2: deinstallation of qt4-qtscript-0.1.0-14.1.2.x86_64

But you will need to switch the kdm-branding-upstream

Thanks but how do i do that ??
Am a newbie

Trying to switch to kdm-branding-upstream, i get the following error:

fra@fra-notebook:~$ sudo zypper install kdm-branding-upstream
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: kdm-branding-openSUSE-12.1-15.3.9.noarch conflicts with namespace:otherproviders(kdm-branding) provided by kdm-branding-upstream-4.8.0-723.3.x86_64
 Solution 1: deinstallation of kdm-branding-openSUSE-12.1-15.3.9.noarch
 Solution 2: do not install kdm-branding-upstream-4.8.0-723.3.x86_64

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): 1
Resolving dependencies...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: kdm-4.7.2-6.4.1.x86_64 requires kdm-branding = 4.7, but this requirement cannot be provided
  uninstallable providers: kdm-branding-openSUSE-12.1-1.2.noarch[openSUSE_12.1]
 Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
  keep kdm-branding-openSUSE-12.1-15.3.9.noarch
  do not install kdm-branding-upstream-4.8.0-723.3.x86_64
 Solution 2: deinstallation of kdm-4.7.2-6.4.1.x86_64
 Solution 3: do not install kdm-branding-upstream-4.8.0-723.3.x86_64
 Solution 4: break kdm by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/3/4/c] (c): 

What do i do now? :slight_smile:

thank you in advance for your replies!

Just type 1 and hit enter

For you
Just type the number 2 and hit enter
If you come up with the

kdm-branding-openSUSE issue, follow the advice above

Hi all!

Well, I have upgraded KDE 4.7.4 to 4.8 yesterday (release day, January 25th). And it is great. But, don’t forget to uninstall the BeClock kwin effect! It can cause Kwin to crash.
The other bad news is that we cannot build any taskmanager anymore, since 4.8.0 does not seem to be retro-compatible (deps missing in my install?): I espescially miss ROSA tasks…
Good points are: very nice improvements of Dolphin & Gwenview, lower memory & CPU usage, which is nice!
Looking for help to build my taskmanagers… :-/


yes, ok… but in this way I’ve not switched nor installed kdm-branding-upstream.

how to get KDE 4.8 then? :slight_smile:

thank you so much for your time.

Try the UI way
Yast > Software Management

Use this image as a guide (it was done for an earlier version) You just need to select the kde48 repo

Here you are

thank you, it’s in progress right now, i’m going to tell you if it works in a bit. :slight_smile:
i had to remove filelight, kid-3b and qt4-qtscript, i hope i’m going to be able to reinstall them after the upgrade. :slight_smile:

k3b-codecs: can be re-installed, there was no need to remove it, you should just select to keep obsolete k3b-codecs

Filelight: not sure, don’t use it
qt4-qtscript: possibly defunct - not sure

Is kde 4.8 available for 11.4? if so, what is repository link?

my bad, the name of the package i was referring to was kid3. :slight_smile:
Anyhow i’ve been able to reinstall both kid3 and filelight without problems after the upgrade!

All seems working fine, so a big thank you!! :smiley:

this is the link: KDE repositories - openSUSE

Good news

Use the Release repo

Typically these 2 (for 11.4)

Index of /repositories/KDE:/Release:/48/openSUSE_11.4

Index of /repositories/KDE:/Extra/KDE_Release_48_openSUSE_11.4

I’ve heard that icon-tasks plasmoid should be included in KDE 4.8 by default, is it true? I can’t see it in the list of widget nor by zypper search icon-tasks.
I’ve compiled from sources that plasmoid on 4.7, but semms broken now and I was wondering if it’s in the repos now.

On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:56:03 GMT Moviuro wrote:

> The other bad news is that we cannot build any taskmanager anymore,
> since 4.8.0 does not seem to be retro-compatible (deps missing in my
> install?): I espescially miss ROSA tasks…

What i have read is that Libtaskmanager get rewritten from the author
of Icon Tasks and one of the side-effects is what you have recognized.
For me i hope that Smooth Tasks will be in 4.8 too as before in 4.7.

No idea
You could look here for info
KDE - KDE Platform 4.8 Enhances Interoperability, Introduces Touch-Friendly Components
KDE - KDE SC 4.8.0 Info Page

On 26/01/12 11:36, mmarif4u wrote:
> For me, still no luck…dependency hell…

Yes, I tried what I thought were reasonable solutions and wound up with
unusual login panel, no sound [par for the course with almost any
change], no power management, plus an error message that there was no
wireless connection yet there was.

I’m now back to 4.7.4 and intend to be a bit more patient. :wink:

Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
openSUSE 12.1 (64-bit); KDE 4.7.4; AMD Phenom II X2 550 Processor;
Video: nVidia GeForce 210 (using nouveau driver);
Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA); Wireless: BCM4306

beclock, I cannot live witout it, did you try0.16 version??? it should works with 4.8 :slight_smile: