Is is possible to update the kernel so that cgroup v2 is supported?

I have a homeserver running

cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="openSUSE Leap Micro"
ID_LIKE="suse opensuse opensuse-leap suse-microos"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap Micro 5.5"

And I would want to use Installing kubeadm | Kubernetes with swap enabled, but the kernel that comes with does not support cgroup v2, it is possible to change this?

@Misekayek0l Not likely and no swap for anything kubernetes releated…

Why do you say this?

There is beta support now in later versions, but still not recommended, esp on MicroOS…

It causes performance and stability issues, google around, but I would not expect any bug report you created to be fixed.

It is not the problem, the k8s installation instructions say that you must have cgroups v2 capable kernel, and it is 6.x and Micro OS ships with 5.x, so there is a way to update the kernel?

MicroOS does not ship with a 5.x Kernel. It’s currently using:

[sfalken@mustang ~]$ uname -a
Linux mustang 6.7.2-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Jan 26 11:01:28 UTC 2024 (a52bf76) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Leap Micro ships a 5.x kernel. Leap Micro != MicroOS

admin@homelab:~> uname -a
Linux homelab 5.14.21-150500.55.44-default #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Jan 15 10:03:40 UTC 2024 (cc7d8b6) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
admin@homelab:~> cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="openSUSE Leap Micro"
ID_LIKE="suse opensuse opensuse-leap suse-microos"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap Micro 5.5"

Correct, you are using Leap Micro. Which is different than MicroOS.

Anyway, it is possible to use a 6.x kernel in Leap Micro?

You might be able to, by enabling the Kernel:HEAD:Backports repo, as it’s built for openSUSE Leap 15.5, which is what Leap Micro 5.5 is based on, but I don’t know what that would break.

I know it would create an unsupported configuration, and you would mostly be on your own to figure out things if they break.

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@Misekayek0l switch to MicroOS then… there maybe something on the openSUSE Build Service totally unsupported, don’t expect help (as in bug reports) if it breaks…

I have no issues here with RKE2, k3s etc running on MicroOS, my Rancher setup auto updates over night…

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The Difference between the two is like Leap and Slowroll?

Between Leap Micro, and MicroOS?

It’s literally the difference between Leap and Tumbleweed, as that’s what they’re both based in, respectively.