Is hotmail usable with KMail ?

Hi :),

I’m used to install Thunderbird to view my e-mails on Linux.

I love the KDE Environment, so I wish to use KMail.

But I don’t find any documentation about the configuration of an hotmail or Microsoft account on KMail.

Is someone using an hotmail address and can help me ? :shame:

Thanks for your help lol!

You’re correct – there ain’t much – only the Office 365 and Exchange information – <;.
[HR][/HR]But, there’s the Thunderbird documentation for Hotmail – <; – which is basically all you need to setup KMail access to that account.

Funny feeling to post a link to Microsoft here ;-). The information above ( are correct and up to date.

POP, IMAP, and SMTP settings for (works also for your hotmail account):