Internet working in Firefox, but Install Software cannot

I have PPPoE internet connection.
I am connected via lan cable with my service provider.
I am using rp-pppoe internet dialer under linux.
I have installed OpenSUSE 11.1 and compiled rp-pppoe 3.10 via “./go-gui” command and everything is working good. I can surf via Firefox.

But when I go to install any software I got this errors :

There was an error in the repository initialization.
‘repo-update’: |] Valid metadata not found at specified URL(s)

Also I have tested another command :

bimal@brcreation:~> curl
curl: (6) Couldn’t resolve host ‘

Also I cannot surf via Konqueror browser. Only Firefox is working with my internect connection.

Under Firefox network preferences, it displays No proxy for proxy settings

It looks like my internet connection is not working with console and only working with firefox.

I was using Ubuntu and do the same process to connect internet and my internet was working perfectly under ubuntu.

Please help me on this,

Thank you

NOTE : Sorry for my bad englisth

First disable IPv6
Disable IPv6 - openSUSE Forums

see if that helps

Thanks for reply.

I have disable IPv6. But still not solved my problem. :frowning:

The repo link you quote above : Index of /update/11.1

Can you browse it in FF?

This is an alternate mirror list, maybe you need one close to home, wherever that is: openSUSE Download Mirrors - 11.1

But I can’t figure K not working either:\

Curl not working is the big ? It actually sounds like the resolv.conf is wrong, yet doesn’t explain why FF works.

What is the content of resolv.conf iirc /etc/resolv.conf you could test with opendns servers to see if that is the problem…
OpenDNS | Providing A Safer And Faster Internet

Does konqueror go by ip i.e google

Some progress… I can open google by in konqueror.

I have added openDNS’s dns in /etc/resolve.conf but still no luck. Only can surf in Firefox not in konqueror.
One another thing. When I first dial rp-pppoe than I cannot surf in Firefox. and then I go to Properties, and reset my settings and after that I can surf in Firefox.

I don’t understand it what you’re describing is a dns problem but not with FF.

Doesn’t make any sense, the only thing I can think of is FF is using a proxy. AFAIK your pc will look up the dns entry normally from your isp’s dns then resolve the url to ip addy.

Now by forcing it to use opendns you should of used them. What you could perhaps do is run a traceroute on the google ip, normally the first couple should be dns.

But to be honest I’m not sure I can help further as it doesn’t make sense I don’t understand why/how FF is doing it. I’m presuming that was a typo resolv.conf not resolve…

Sorry i couldn’t be of more help hopefully if traceroute or proxy doesn’t through any more light on the problem someone else has a suggestion as me and networking just don’t get on.

  1. Why use rp-ppoe instead of YaST’s PPPoE-implementation?

  2. Why compile rp-pppoe yourself, it’s available in the OSS-repo?

  3. Deactivate IPv6 globally (YaST)

  4. Deactivate IPv6 in Firefox (google for IPv6 Firefox)

  5. Check your MTU

  1. Why use rp-ppoe instead of YaST’s PPPoE-implementation?

Because I was using this tool on Ubuntu and Debian. I cannot find any working pppoe dialer.

  1. Why compile rp-pppoe yourself, it’s available in the OSS-repo?

How do I download without net connection?

  1. Deactivate IPv6 globally (YaST)

I done this.

  1. Deactivate IPv6 in Firefox (google for IPv6 Firefox)

I done this.

  1. Check your MTU

Plese describe me how to do this.

Currently I am setting PPPoe from YaST
I will post info here…

My display card is not working.

There is hardware problem. I will repair or buy new card and after that we will continue with this thread. Just 2 or 3 days more.

Thank guys.

Hello all
There was my monitor problem. It’s working now.

Now back to my problem.
I have setup via DSL in Yast and configured as describe in this thread. The forums is down now so I am using google cache link :
How-to configure a PPPoE Broadband Internet Connection in OpenSuSE 11.0 - Digit’s Technology Discussion Forum

I still cannot surf. I can surf only by IP addresses.

I have changed my DNS IP address with my service provider’s DNS IP address in these files :

/etc/resolve.conf :


/etc/resolv.conf.netconfig :

/etc/resolv.conf file autogenerated by netconfig!

Before you change this file manually, consider to define the

static DNS configuration using the following variables in the

/etc/sysconfig/network/config file:




or disable DNS configuration updates via netconfig by setting:


See also the netconfig(8) manual page and other documentation.

Note: Manual change of this file disables netconfig too, but

may get lost when this file contains comments or empty lines

only, the netconfig settings are same with settings in this

file and in case of a “netconfig update -f” call.

Please remove (at least) this line when you modify the file!


/etc/sysconfig/network/config :

Path: Network/General

Description: Set some general network configuration

Type: string(“”,“-”,“+”)

Default: “+”

ServiceRestart: network

DEFAULT_BROADCAST is used when no individual BROADCAST is set. It can get one

of the following values:

“” : don’t set a broadcast address

“-” : use IPADDR with all host bits deleted

“+” : use IPADDR with all host bits set


Type: yesno

Default: yes

sometimes we want some script to be executed after an interface has been

brought up, or before an interface is taken down.

default dir is /etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d for POST_UP and

/etc/sysconfig/network/if-down.d for PRE_DOWN

Note: if you use NetworkManager then down scripts will be called after the

interface is down and not before.


Type: yesno

Default: no

If ifup should check if an ip address is already in use, set this to yes.

Make sure that packet sockets (CONFIG_PACKET) are supported in the kernel,

since this feature uses arping, which depends on that.

Also be aware that this takes one second per interface; consider that when

setting up a lot of interfaces.


Type: yesno

Default: no

Switch on/off debug messages for all network configuration stuff. If set to no

most scripts can enable it locally with “-o debug”.


Type: yesno

Default: yes

All error and info messages from network and hardware configuration scripts go

to stderr. Most tools that call sysconfig scripts (udev, rcnetwork, scpm,

YaST) catch these messages and can log them. So some messages appear twice in

syslog. If you don’t like that, then set USE_SYSLOG=no.


Handling of network connections


These features are designed for the convenience of the experienced

user. If you encounter problems you don’t understand then switch

them off. That is the default.

Please do not complain if you get troubles. But if you want help to

make them smarter write to <SUSE – Open-Source-Lösungen für Enterprise Server und Cloud | SUSE.

Type: yesno

Default: no

If you are interested in the connections and nfs mounts that use a

network interface, you can set CONNECTION_SHOW_WHEN_IFSTATUS=“yes”.

Then you will see them with ‘ifstatus <interface>’ (or 'ifstatus


This one should never harm :wink:


Type: yesno

Default: no

If an interface should be set down only if there are no active

connections, then use CONNECTION_CHECK_BEFORE_IFDOWN=“yes”


Type: yesno

Default: no

If these connetions (without the nfs mounts) should be closed when

shutting down an interface, set CONNECTION_CLOSE_BEFORE_IFDOWN=“yes”.

WARNING: Be aware that this may terminate applications which need

one of these connections!


Type: yesno

Default: no

If you are a mobile laptop user and like even nfs mounts to be

closed when you leave your current workplace, then set



WARNING: Be aware that this may terminate applications which use

these nfs mounts as working directory. Be very carefull if your home

is mounted via nfs!!!

WARNING: This may even lead to hanging ifdown processes if there are

processes that could not be terminated. If you are using

hotpluggable devices (pcmcia, usb, firewire), first shut them down

before unplugging!


Type: yesno

Default: no

If terminating processes that use a connection or nfs mount is not

enough, then they can be killed after an unsuccesfull termination.

If you want that set CONNECTION_SEND_KILL_SIGNAL=“yes”


Type: string

Default: “”

Here you may specify which interfaces have to be up and configured properly

after ‘rcnetwork start’. rcconfig will return ‘failed’ if any of these

interfaces is not up. You may use interface names as well but better use

hardware descriptions of the devices (eth-id-<macaddress> or eth-bus-… See

man ifup for ‘hardware description’). The network start script will wait for

these interfaces, but not longer as set in WAIT_FOR_INTERFACES.

You need not to add dialup or tunnel interfaces here, only physical devices.

The interface ‘lo’ is always considered to be mandatory and can be omitted.

If this variable is empty, rcnetwork tries to derive the list of mandatory

devices automatically from the list of existing configurations. Configurations

with names bus-pcmcia or bus-usb or with STARTMODE=hotplug are skipped. (try

‘/etc/init.d/rc5.d/S*network start -o debug fake | grep MANDAT’)


Type: integer

Default: 30

Some interfaces need some time to come up or come asynchronously via hotplug.

WAIT_FOR_INTERFACES is a global wait for all mandatory interfaces in

seconds. If empty no wait occurs.


Type: yesno

Default: yes

With this variable you can determine if the SuSEfirewall when enabled

should get started when network interfaces are started.


Type: string

Default: “eth*[0-9]|tr*[0-9]|wlan[0-9]|ath[0-9]”

Automatically add a linklocal route to the matching interfaces.

This string is used in a bash “case” statement, so it may contain

‘*’, ‘’, ‘]’ and ‘|’ meta-characters.


Type: string

Default: “-f -I”

Set default options for ifplugd. You may also set them in an ifcfg-* file

individually. Have a look at ‘man ifplug’ for details. We let ifplugd set the

interface UP when starting, because there are many interfaces where link beat

cannot be detected otherwise. If you want the interface to stay down then add

the option ‘-a’. If you like ifplugd to beep on cable (un)plug, remove ‘-b’.


Type: yesno

Default: no

Instead of the usual network setup (now called ‘NetControl’) you may also use

‘NetworkManager’ to control your interfaces.

NetControl is what you were used to in SUSE Linux up to now. It has a wide

range of configurations means for setting up any number of different virtual

and real interfaces. It should be used if you:

- want a static network setup

- have many interfaces

- need VLAN, bonding, bridging, multiple IP addresses

- must restrict network control to root

It may also switch interfaces automatically, but lacks a usable GUI for normal


NetworkManager lets the user control interfaces and switches automatically if

network interfaces lose/gain physical connection. It should be used if you:

- move between networks frequently

- want a GUI for network control

Especially on mobile computers that use mainly one wired and one wireless

interface NetworkManager will please you.

If you are used to SCPM then you might probably stay with NetControl. But at

least try NetworkManager, because it can replace SCPM in some usage scenarios.


Type: int

Default: 0

When using NetworkManager you may define a timeout to wait for NetworkManager

to connect. Other network services may require the system to have a valid

network setup in order to succeed.

This variable has no effect if NETWORKMANAGER=no


Type: string

Default: “dns-resolver dns-bind ntp-runtime nis”

This variable defines the start order of netconfig modules installed

in the /etc/netconfig.d/ directory.

To disable the execution of a module, don’t remove it from the list

but prepend it with a minus sign, “-ntp-runtime”.

NETCONFIG_MODULES_ORDER=“dns-resolver dns-bind dns-dnsmasq nis ntp-runtime”

Type: string

Default: “auto”

Defines the DNS merge policy as documented in netconfig(8) manual page.

Set to “” to disable DNS configuration.


Type: string

Default: “resolver”

Defines the name of the DNS forwarder that has to be configured.


Type: string

Default: “”

List of DNS domain names used for host-name lookup.


Type: string

Default: “”

List of DNS nameserver IP addresses to use for host-name lookup.


Type: string

Default: “auto”

Defines the NTP merge policy as documented in netconfig(8) manual page.

Set to “” to disable NTP configuration.


Type: string

Default: “”

List of NTP servers.


Type: string

Default: “auto”

Defines the NIS merge policy as documented in netconfig(8) manual page.

Set to “” to disable NIS configuration.


Type: string

Default: “yes”

Defines whether to set the default NIS domain. When enabled and no domain

is provided dynamically or in static settings, /etc/defaultdomain is used.

Valid values are:

- “no” or “” netconfig does not set the domainname

- “yes” netconfig sets the domainname according to the

NIS policy using settings provided by the first

iterface and service that provided it.

- “<interface name>” as yes, but only using settings from interface.


Type: string

Default: “”

Defines a default NIS domain.

Further domain can be specified by adding a “_<number>” suffix to


variables, e.g.: NETCONFIG_NIS_STATIC_DOMAIN_1=“second”.


Type: string

Default: “”

Defines a list of NIS servers for the default NIS domain or the

domain specified with same “_<number>” suffix.


Please help me

Also… now I cannot surf via Firefox too.
I can surf only with IP address only.

My net is started now :slight_smile:
I have added OpenDNS’s DNS ip in rp-pppoe and now working perfectly.

Thanks all of you to help me
Thanks again. :slight_smile: