internet not working

**I am new to linux . I had opensuse 10.3 before this opensuse 11. I am have a problem that on system tray it shows that wire network got connected but when i run firefox than it wont work. means no access to internet .i don’t know what is problem .

please help me. i have DSL.**

You say that in the KDE desktop you have internet, but FireFox is oblivious of it. In order to rule out some issues you can try:

  1. try using konqueror.
  2. go into a terminal and issue the following command:
    If you get 0% loss, you have internet!
  3. go into yast -> network -> network card
    select this and deactivate IPv6 option. Reboot and chances are high that everything works.

thank you for your fast reply. now my INTERNET is working.