Not sure which forum this would go in, but it seems that youtube (and every other internet video source) isn’t playing in my openSuSE 11.0 x86_64 in FireFox 3.0.1 or Epiphany. They begin, give a flash of sound, then quit. In Konqueror3, I get normal sound but no video. I think this happened when FireFix upgraded itself - or maybe at the last kernel upgrade? (I use the openSuSE stock repos and packman) Is this a known problem or is my install gone bad? I’ve never been able to play videos through Kaffene - I’ve always had to use MPlayer… I don’t know enough about the various sub-systems to know what to look for.
PS: I just noticed that Konqueror 4 will work with youtube.
In FF, check to see what is listed in the Tools-, Add-ons, -Plugins,
If as you say, you only have the main suse repo’s and Packman, you should be fine. You could check to see you have all the latest updates in Packaman - using Software Management - then filter by repo and select Packman, then from top left choose Package tab and select update all in this list if new ver avail.
Hi Caf - there are a lot of things in tools - Add-ons -plug-ins and my updater seems to be having trouble. It always seems to start on an update, then just poof it’s gone. I tried rpm --rebuilddb but it’s still doing that. For a while it was just the tray updater, now the YaST/OnlineUpdate thing does it too.
Well, it downloaded some stuff, then I didn’t see the “Writing the system configuration” window after, you know, with “setting up the linker cache, etc.” Also there was a problem with libxine - and I found a version installed (in YaST) that didn’t even report what repo it was from. So I think I got some packages installed that confuse the YaST algorithm for resolving dependencies. For instance, some of the options it offers do nothing at all.
After removing the wierd xine install, I reran the ymp and it seemed to download everything without conflicts, but then it just quits - and although it says “installation was successful” - I never see the “Writing system configuration” window. Also, when I do YaST/OnlineUpdate, I get the same result - there are updates to install, but I never get the “Writing system configuration” window at the end, and when I rerun YaST/OnlineUpdate, the files I installed are still there, apparently waiting to install. So something’s wrong with my YaST?