Hi all.
I’ve always managed to have any Chromium-based browser to have Intel video hardware acceleration on Tumbleweed with Plasma.
I don’t know why, but it has stopped working, even on clean installed systems.
I usually:
- enable flags on chrome://flags
- install the codecs
- install intel-media-driver, intel-gpu-tools and the gstreamer-plugins-vaapi
- use “–enable-features=VaapiVideoDecodeLinuxGL --ozone-platform-hint=auto” or “–enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder,VaapiIgnoreDriverChecks,Vulkan,DefaultANGLEVulkan,VulkanFromANGLE” if Vulkan-rendered and then the browser would easily use the vaapi
In a terminal, I can double check with sudo intel_gpu_top
This doesn’t work anymore, but it works on any GNOME system. Should I report something to KDE?