Intel Pro Wireless 2200

I finally decided to upgrade from my old D-Link DWL-520, to an internal wireless card. I bought the one that would have originally sold with my laptop (a dell d600). I set it up in my laptop with OpenSuSe 11.0 and it worked right away. I was happy. That was the first time any hardware had immidiately worked in linux for me. So, i decieded, now would be a good time to upgrade to 11.1, and now the card doesn’t work. It tells me the drivers/firmware are most likely not installed. I downloaded the drivers/firmware, and they won’t compile let alone install. I got the firmware working, as there is nothing to compile, but the drivers wont work. It took me long enough to get the ieee80211 software installed, and then it wont event work. Does anybody have this card/know how to make it work?

once the firmware is installed, all you need to do is configure the device/connection via network manager & it should work


what sucks is that ipw-driver doesn’t load automatically anymore. e.g. when you boot with cd to do netinstall, you have to load it manually. this didn’t happen with 11.0. oh well…separates the wheat from the chaff >:)


I have a biuldt-in intel wireless card

 lspci | grep Wireless
02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)

And it work right away, once the installation (with live-cd or dvd) is finished… I don’t need to cimpile or anything.

You could try to install the firmware from yast : “ipw-firmware”


ok, well i figured it out. if i had a more recently made laptop, i would not have run into this issue, but, opensuse was trying to reserve IRQ5 for the wireless card, because it was one of the few it saw open, but 5 is reserved for the sound card. once i disabled my lpt, serial, and ir ports, as well as my internal lan card, it started working because there were avalible IRQ’s for it to assign the wireless to.

Hopes this helps if anyone else can’t get theirs to work.


Wonderful opinion. I want to know more about Intel Pro Wireless 2200.


New Cars

i thought there were measures to prevent these bot’s. was i wrong?b

Sorted it for you. Unfortunately there are still some human bots that post,so we will still encounter the problem
