installing via usb drive

ok well, i built a new computer that i want to put suse on, iv primarily used linux mint in the past but wanted to give something els a go, but, i cant seem to get a bootable usb drive to work with it, i have tried unetbootin i have tried to use the suse studio thing but i cant find a way to convert the file to a .raw, all i am able to find when i google how to is people saying just burn it to a drive, but that is not an option, so maby someone here can provide me with some insight on how to get this done.

There are instructions here:
SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE

In short, if you download the live iso, you can just copy to the usb. Use ‘dd’ or one of the other softwares mentioned in the page that I referenced.

For the install DVD or net install CD, there are other steps that you first need to follow. So easiest would be to use the live CD.

Note: I have not done this myself. I plan to try it for my next install (the 12.1 beta when it comes out)

(sorry wrong post)
