Im using playonlinux to run my games through wine. I need to install things from winetricks to different prefixes, van anyone tell me how to do this manually?
People keep popinting me to POL helper but I cant get this to work so im going around in circles but I would be quite happy doing this via the manual method.
Can ayone help me?
Download from here
winetricks - The Official Wine Wiki
Then just run from the terminal: sh winetricks
A menu pos up and you can select what you need
thanks but that only installs to the main wine directory, or so i believe. I need to install to specific prefixes as different games need different items from winetricks
Wine creates a simulated windows drive and environment, if you go to /.wine/drive_c
You can see what I mean. Winetricks installs the various options in there just as if it was windows.
Unless you are more specific about what it is you need to achieve Iām not sure I can offer much more advice. Maybe someone more into wine and games will understand.
diggedy wrote:
> Im using playonlinux to run my games through wine. I need to install
> things from winetricks to different prefixes, van anyone tell me how to
> do this manually?
> Can ayone help me?
env PREFIX=/home/$username/yourLocation winetricks
> env PREFIX=/home/$username/yourLocation winetricks
sory i miss some
env WINEPREFIX="/home/$username/yourwineLocation" winetricks
this should work
WINEPREFIX is a keyword not PREFIX
You can try Q4Wine ā nice GUI for WINE.