Installing Steam Linux Beta

but it’s the list game for linux who is empty I have 1 games on windows.
do I must bought a linux game ?
for the script

i have an error : response: CrashID=bp-9d5574df-acaa-4599-9cd3-0ae562121108

/home/greb/Steam/ : ligne 113 : 7348 Erreur de segmentation ${DEBUGGER} “${STEAMROOT}”/${PLATFORM}/${STEAMEXE} “$@”
thanks advance

thanks dude, installing the ones in bold was sufficient for me (new suse install)


thanks advance.

ok I guess I have understand the game of linux are able to beta tester the others must pay the game or install demo or free to play right ?

Yes, but you can download Team Fortress 2 for Linux, free.
In this case, you must start steam client on this way:

steam steam://install/440

Prepare yourself for downloading of 10 GB data. :wink:

thanks but all the what I try the servers are saturated :frowning:

And who said that Linux isn’t popular! :slight_smile:

I’m having an issue with steam not updating.
The steam updater GUI opens up, but upon fully “updating” this shows up in the terminal.

Hat@linux-221t:~> steam steam://open/friends
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
SteamUpdater: Error: Failed to unzip item package/tmp/friends/trackerui_brazilian.txt (1, 512)

SteamUpdater: Error: Failed to unzip package (/home/Hat/Steam/package/

putting it all together, I made this script, that could be made into a pullin-steam rpm:

sudo zypper install libopenal1-soft-32bit libgcrypt11-32bit mozilla-nss-32bit libgtk-2_0-0-32bit libpng12-0-32bit
cd ~/
mkdir Steam
cd Steam
ar vx steam.deb data.tar.gz
tar xOf data.tar.gz ./usr/lib/steam/bootstraplinux_ubuntu12_32.tar.xz | tar xvJ
rm -f steam.deb data.tar.gz ./usr/lib/steam/bootstraplinux_ubuntu12_32.tar.xz

However, Steam told me that “This version of Steam is currently in closed beta. Login with an enrolled account to continue.”
Also there are display problems on KDE/fglrx.

Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352503901_client)

Quits after this…

You must satisfied all dependencies. See posts above.

Try run steam with this command line and then analyse what deps are missing:

strace -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Steam/ubuntu12_32/ -e trace=open ~/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam


I needed all of the below for it to work, saving for rpm:**

  • libpango-1_0-0-32bit
  • libgtk-2_0-0-32bit
  • mozilla-nss-32bit
  • libgcrypt11-32bit
  • libopenal1-soft-32bit**
    *** libpulse0-32bit**

Here is a start on the build service, needs work…

I installed all neccessary packages to run the steam beta. I can login with my account but after a successfull login I also got the message from the quote.
If I click “okay” steam terminates without an segmentation fault or something

An strace without the open filters fills up my terminal so much, that the steam client won’t start.
With the open filter I cannot find any error on the output.

@ those wo get steam working:
Are you proved beta testers? Or am I to stupid to find the error message in strace output.

seilerphilipp wrote:


Try running Steam with

steam steam://open/games

openSUSE Ambassador

What was that you were saying about Linux being a headache?
Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of openSUSE being awesome.
– Helen South on opensuse-marketing Mailinglist

Thank you :wink:
In offline mode this works perfect. At the moment I cannot test the online mode, because of an http proxy here.
There were the same symptoms in online and offline mode before so this should also fix the problem in online mode.

Is there an easy way to install glibc_2.15 on openSUSE 12.1, the newest version for 12.1 is 2.14 in the repositories but steam seems to need 2.15

/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /home/micha/Soft/usr/lib/steam/ubuntu12_32/steam)

Did anyone else get the error “Fatal Error: Failed to load”? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

micha@linux-rtmu:~/Soft/steam/usr/lib/steam> ./
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1353457964_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1.0)

You could just install the RPM here:

For anyone else getting far enough to run TF2, SDL bundled with steam wants “pulse” audio target, so on 12.2 I have to launch steam like so (not in the beta officially) to play TF2.</p>
export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio && ./ steam://open/games</p>

I noticed that the steam rpm got moved to (not anymore as a branche inside Mailaender's home, but directly Ryanbach's home).
Is it going to stay there? 
And Ryan, did you try to contact Steam to give a more official turn to your repackaging efforts (Steam themselves announced that, in addition of the officially supported Ubuntu users, they are now accepting ArchLinux and Debian users officially in their beta program, maybe you could help bring our green reptile there too)