Installing Software Packages

I’m relatively new to Linux but I’ve used it enough to know that I really like OpenSuse. Anyways, I’m running OpenSuse in a VM (VMware Player) and I’m trying to install Apache Web Server (taking a class). I open the terminal, switch to root, and type “yast --gtk”. I get back "GTK GUI wanted but not found, falling back to Qt. Then the yast control center opens. My book tells me to click Software Management but when I do, I’m asked to Insert Disk 1. I’m guessing it’s looking for the files to be loaded from a disk but I was under the impression that Apache came pre-loaded on OpenSuse.

I’m so new to Linux that I don’t know how to resolve this issue. I don’t even know if it’s because I’m running on a VM. If this is in the wrong thread, please let me know and I will move it.


You seem to have installed KDE where QT based YaST is available.
Disable the DVD repo if it is available in “YaST software installer”.
Are you reading this book ? Use the doc which relates to your openSUSE version.

Hello and welcome to openSUSE!

You should try going back into yast, and then selecting the software repositories module instead. Highlight the entry about the cd/dvd, and untick ‘Enabled’ at the bottom. Ensure at the least you have the entry ‘openSUSE-12.3-OSS’ enabled. Then click ok.

Afterwards, go to Software Management, and if you have an internet connection available it should refresh and ready the package manager for you. You can search for apache and select and install the software you need. You can also go to view -> patterns, and find the pattern Web and LAMP Server. This should have a collection of software you might need.

Tick what you want and press accept to download and install. More information here:

On 04/30/2013 04:36 AM, nightwishfan wrote:
> Ensure at the least you have the entry
> ‘openSUSE-12.3-OSS’ enabled. Then click ok.

and: suggest you read and follow (as long as new to openSUSE), the
paragraph which begins with “IMPORTANT!” in

because i like a well functioning, stable system i still follow it
and have been ‘new’ around here for many years.


Would be curious if your textbook/guide is for 11.0 or newer.
If you want to invoke YAST in ncurses mode in a console, type


If you want to invoke YAST in a windowed graphical display, type


The reason why YAST is asking for “disk 1” it’s because your original install media is missing, most likely a DVD in your DVDROM.

I personally dislike a disk in my DVDROM unless absolutely necessary and VMs typically support ISOs mounted as virtual CDROMs. So, you could have done your original install pointing to an ISO. If in a network you could even made your ISOs available as a network resource, eg network share.

But even when an install has been made using a DVD as you likely did, you can re-point your virtual cdrom in your VM properties to an ISO(preferable). The alternative is to disable the DVD as an install resource (repo). The easy, newbie way is to open YAST, then click on “Software Repositories,” highlight the DVD entry, then uncheck the “enabled” box.


in my KDE openSuse 12.3 installation x86 hardware, I have successfully added some community repositories like Education, Games with YaST.
In case I add in the identical way

Informationen von:

an error message appears: Adding the repository openSUSE buildservice Virtualisation (VirtualBox) has failed
{my text translation from german}

Could you confirm?
I simply guess that the openSUSE buildservice did not yet update the link to new oracle version 4.2.12, right?
Or how do we overcome this?

Looking forward to use the ingenious YaST again.

A repo folder for openSUSE_12.3 does not exist. Looking at Index of /repositories/Virtualization:/VirtualBox_backports shows that there are only repos for openSUSE 11.4, 12.1, 12.2 and Factory.

Thanks a lot for looking into.
Zypper has worked but I did not managed well and feel better/confident with YaST.
My aim: for volunteer number crunching the new VM box version is required.
I am not in hurry, but it seems that other stumble into this also.

Will the ‘buildservice’ notice the missing repository by time, do we need to inform some partner?
Looking forward.

This is the URL to the Oracle Repo for openSUSE 11.4 up to 12.3:
Index of /virtualbox/rpm/opensuse/11.4/

You have to delete all Virtualbox-Packages and vbox-Packages from the OSS-Repo, then install VirtualBox-4.2 from Oracle.

And your User must be in the Group vboxusers

You can use this repo instead: Index of /repositories/Virtualization/openSUSE_12.3

Will the ‘buildservice’ notice the missing repository by time, do we need to inform some partner?
Looking forward.

This should be reported at: (accepts the same username/password as the forums)

Bug 820587 Submitted: Buildservice to add repo VirtualBox recent version 4.2.12
Thank you both for diagnostics and therapy.

You don’t have to keep using zypper, you can simply use YaST again as well. In the end they are just 2 different user interfaces for the same thing (libzypp).