Installing hdfview and hg tortoise

Hi Forum,

I have a question about two software I would like to install on OpenSUSE 13.2.

I would like to install hdfview and hg tortoise on my linux.

I would appreciate if you could please guide me on how to install these two on my openSUSE.

Thank you very much in Advance,


When software can not be found in the standard repos (OSS and non-OSS) or Packman next step is normaly to use I can see the cecond one there, but not the first one.

In any case, never assume that people have the same background information as you, or the same way of searching for solutions. Only naming two software products without explaining anything about where you found them or how you know of their existance makes it more difficult to others to help you.

Hi hcvv,

Thanks for your help, I installed **tortoisehg **from the link you sent. I was wrongly looking for **hgtortoise **before.

Regarding hdfview, it is a tool for viewing hdf5 files.

This is the download link.

They have exectutables for certian versions of linux, but not openSUSE. I was wondering if any body has any experience on how to install on OpenSUSE?

Thanks in Advance,