I’ve written a How To on how to install Java from the java.com website here.
For those who are more comfortable using Yast, there’s also a way to keep Java up to date, although the website may have an update before it gets packaged into Yast.
I will use screenshots from my own computer to help assist you in installing java as I follow my own guide and write the steps down.
To begin, upon going to this site verify java, your screen probably looks something like this
First we must open Yast and go into our Software Manager. Here we’ll search for “sun” without the quotes.
As you can see from my screenshot, you must select (check) java-1_6_0-sun and java-1_6_0-sun-plugin. Click on the versions tab to select which version you want. In my example, the latest version is from the update repository.
Click accept and let Yast do its thing.
Next you’ll need to create a symbolic link for your web browser to use the java plugin.
Open a terminal and type this:
enter your root password
cd /usr/lib/browser-plugins
ln -s /etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so
And that’s it!
You can verify your java installation here verify java
That page should now look like this
Hope this helps!
Good HowTo, thank you very much!
Which version of openSuSE was written this for? I’m using 11.1 and followed your instructions but found my module in a completely different location.
I had to create the symlink to
as opposed to
ln -s /etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so
as posted in your HowTo. That path didn’t exist in my installation.
How do you remove older versions of java? I have Java1.5 directories, files and symlinks floating around.
This how-to was written for openSUSE 11.1. I’m not sure of any differences between openSUSE versions, as I’m using 11.2 MS3 and have followed these directions without any problems. Of course each time I tried it was with a new installation, and if I had an existing version of Java, I’d uninstall that first, before installing the new version of Java.
It turns out the folder I link to in my how-to is sym-linked to the folder you’re using. /usr/lib/jvm/java
Which would be why I can get the same results everytime I install it. But it is curious as to why it didn’t create the /etc/alternatives/jre_1.6.0 folder as it does on mine.
As for uninstalling older versions of Java, open YAST and then search for sun. Any versions of Java installed will be listed there.
Thanks for pointing that out though. If anyone else has any trouble with the symbolic link part, try the way suse_tpx60s did it.
Take Care,
Thank you so much! I was searching the internet for hours to get Java working with Firefox!
The YaST-way rocks!
And when could be find a 64 bit howto… none of these diresctories, even files exists in my system to perform the symbolic link after install of java… I wonder why is so complicated the JRE in SUSE64bits… that’s very annoying…
WEll finaly I manage to fix it… just uninstall Iced, JavaSDK… thse packages shouldnt be installed by default…
A bit of related news for those that prefer to use the openjdk version of java.
The default install of openSUSE installs java-1_6_0-openjdk and java-1_6_0-openjdk-plugin. I’ve just noticed that by visiting the java verification site that it says Firefox doesn’t have the java plugin installed. I’ve created a symbolic link to IcedTeaPlugin.so but it hasn’t helped. Some googling later I find that FF3.6 dropped the open java integration that the openjdk plugin uses. Soyou are now forced to install the sun jre if you want java to work in FF3.6.
Strange that Mozilla have dropped open java when they are supposedly a big advocater of open software.
This how-to was made when I made this 32-bit how-to. I just purchased a 64-bit system and will verify, although I’m pretty sure with 11.2 all you have to do is install java and the java plugin and it should work without having to do the linking.
installing 64bit Java on openSUSE 11.1 - openSUSE Forums
Take Care,
i’ve found upgrading java does not automatically upgrade to the firefox javaplugin, libnpjp2.so. After thrashing with it for a day i deleted the entire java name group under update-alternatives and reinstalled all the java stuff in java/bin, java/man, etc, selecting for my architecture 64 bit AMD where appropriate, with the following type of sh script:
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java 3
–slave /usr/bin/ControlPanel ControlPanel /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java 3
–slave /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/javaplugin.so javaplugin.so /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so 3
you may have to also reset your $JAVA_HOME group of env variables.
then remove the old java distros
worked for me.
don’t end every --slave line in the above script with a priority, 3 in my case
–slave /usr/share/man/man1/java.1 java.1 /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/man/man1/java.1
/usr/java/ is where the jdk-6u26-linux-amd64-rpm.bin distro decided to put stuff by default