Installer gave me KDE4 instead of 3.5


In the past i used suse for a short period, then i try Ubuntu/Kubuntu and i liked it. Long ago i read SUSE become for payment with Novell transition and i forget it for a time, when i knew about opensuse i download this version for try again, i get the DVD and install on my laptop. Im pretty sure i selected KDE 3.x and when install completes process i saw KD4 instead of 3. What happened? is there any way to remove and get 3?

I feel lost in version 4, also windows doesn dispaly correcty, the top bar look with annoying distortions or noise effect, lines.

My laptop is:

Toshiba Satellite
AMD Athlon X2 64
ATI Radeon X1250
Wireless Network
HD Audio.

I didnt try audio yet, but wireless doesnt work, im not sure if i have the ATI drivers, how do i check that? Even when i have used linux in the past im not experience user, also i wonder if DVD has a 64bit install and if it worth for me to install if im not expert

Thanx for helping

(You may need to go to the repositories section to only enable the DVD if you have no internet yet)

If you can start Yast - Software- Software Management
filter by Patterns

with dvd in the drive



In Yast - Security and Users - User and Group Management
disable auto login


Select kde3 in the login options (lower left of the screen) and login