I’ve bougt a new pc (i5-2050k, Nvidia GeForce 560Ti) and wanted to install Linux beside Windows.
But each Linux-distribution (exept the old ones from Mandriva) fails installing/starting als livecd/checking for installation errors/… while initiating udev.
Is there any known bugfix for this problem? Remind, there is just Windows, so don’t give me any shellcode to execute
I think there might be some BIOS setting which most likely will solve to problem. Look for any setting that enables something like compatibility mode and try different modes for those settings.
Another idea might be to install some old version of distribution that works and do live upgrades to the latest one from a working system Sometimes livecd’s don’t work even though a properly installed system works without any problems.
Another option would be to simply install openSUSE from the DVD and see if that works.
Further to glistwan’s advice (re BIOS config), you might also want to consider minimising any installed hardware at installation time by removing any unnecessary cards (except for graphics) to start with, and see if that helps udev start.
I’ ve tryed every setting in the EFI, I could find, no chance.
The one that worked was Mandriva 2007 (Don’t ask me why just this one), and there is no more support fo this; 2010.2 doesn’t install either.
The same counts for openSUSE and all other distributions.
What do you expect from a new pc?
Exept Mainboard,CPU,GPU, Keyboard and Mouse there is nothing more inside or outside…
And it does not work 'till now
Maybe some weird problem with the optical drive. I would try to put a live
image on a usb stick to see if that will do it.
PC: oS 11.3 64 bit | Intel Core2 Quad Q8300@2.50GHz | KDE 4.6.4 | GeForce
9600 GT | 4GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.6.4 | nVidia
ION | 3GB Ram
What do you expect from a new pc?
Exept Mainboard,CPU,GPU, Keyboard and Mouse there is nothing more inside or outside…
And it does not work 'till now
We’re left to guess, as only you are in front of it, and we have no idea of what hardware may (or may not be) installed, hence only speculative suggestions can be given. Looks like you’ve bought yourself a lemon. Good luck.