Install Wine

Hi all! I’m new on openSuse and I need your help for installing Wine :wink:

I have installed Wine from Yast, but I don’t know where it is, and I don’t know how can I run a .exe application with it… somebody can help me? ^^

install wine-doors, it will give you a GUI for working with wine. if you want to work from the command-line,then run wine-cfg to configure wine. To then run an .exe. click on it & when asked which program to open it with,just type wine in the run box & then select remember application association for this type of file. From then on, any .exe you click on will run with wine. Be aware, not all windows programs will run


Hi deltaflyer! I’ve tried to type wine-cfg in console but the command is not valid… I’ve tried to run a very simple application make in Pascal (executable .exe), I’ve typed wine but it doesn’t work :frowning:

The command is


Most of the time you have to actually install something with wine and reboot to get the menu to show the wine entry.

Ok the command is found. But I have still a problem: I can’t execute .exe executable! How can I do please? :frowning:

Do it the way deltaflyer44 suggested. Click on an .exe package, and there should be a dialog pop up asking which app to use to open it. Either select wine from the program list, or type


and hit enter. It should start installing after this.

If you installed them with wine they should be listed under kicker (start)
applications wine
