install wine issue

i installed wine on my openSuse 11.4 using YAST, when it finished, i found that the wine directory was
created in the root directory, whereas in other versions it has been created in the home directory
How can i fix this problem?. I was not logged in as root.
Thank you

On 2011-10-06 02:26, Subzero01 wrote:
> Hi
> i installed wine on my openSuse 11.4 using YAST, when it finished, i
> found that the wine directory was
> created in the root directory, whereas in other versions it has been
> created in the home directory
> How can i fix this problem?. I was not logged in as root.

I think it will create the directory in your home the first time you run it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

Further to robin_listas post, wine executeable needs to be in /usr/bin so that every user can access the program when they are logged in.

Each time a user executes wine, its configuration (and associated applications as run by that user) will be installed in /home/username/.wine … The beauty of that is (IMHO):

  • when doing an update from say openSUSE-11.3 to 11.4 (which I did last weekend) if one keeps their /home during the install, then one also keeps for each user their wine configuration and all their previously installed apps under wine, and
  • if one wishes to start one’s wine apps from ‘scratch’ all one needs to do is rename /home/username/.wine or remove that directory. Then all wine apps are removed for that user and that user can restart wine from scratch with a ‘clean’ slate.

After installing wine you, as a normal user, need to run winecfg from a terminal/console, that will create /home/username/.wine/

Actually that depends on the app and one does NOT need to run winecfg for many apps.

I NEVER run winecfg as it is not required for autostitch NOR for virtualdub which are the two MS-Windows apps I run with wine.

Thank to those who replied
you where right.
However, i can not get any windoz appps to work in wine I followd the tut on this forum. Accordording to the tut by geoffro,
you can doube click the exe file in winefile and the app runs(installs), well that did’nt work, so i tried the terminal like
wine c://path//app.exe
That did’nt work either, i used winecfg because a dll was required.
What am i doing wrong?

ps if it helps i am tring to install Winmx

I have the program autostitch.exe in the directory /home/oldcpu/panorama. To run it I either cd into the directory /home/oldcpu/panorama and then type ‘wine autostitch.exe’ or I type the entire path: wine /home/oldcpu/panorama/autostitch.exe

I have the program VirtualDub.exe in the directory /home/oldcpu/windows/virtualdub. To run it I either cd into the directory /home/oldcpu/windows/virtualdub and then type ‘wine VirtualDub.exe’ or I type the entire path: ‘wine /home/oldcpu/windows/virtualdub/VirtualDub.exe’ …

… but those are simple applications.

Also, do not forget that winehq provides guidance for many apps under wine.

The error message you get may give you a good hint as to what you are doing wrong.

A silly question, but how much surfing research did you do on this ? Did you look here: WinMX World :: WinMx under WINE ??? Did you look here: WineHQ - WinMX ?

Yes, I know - that is a silly question of mine, but I think it has to be asked else we will simply waste each others time , … no ?

A silly question, but how much surfing research did you do on this ? Did you look here: WinMX World :: WinMx under WINE ??? Did you look here: WineHQ - WinMX ?

Yes I have and there are no error messages when i use the terminal it just returns to the prompt

Did you try using a better path ? The path " c://path//app.exe " makes no sence as openSUSE won’t know what that is. Where is the executable stored ? Possibly under /home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/path/app.exe …

Also don’t forget there is a winmxworld support forum (for non Windows os users) here: WinMX without Windows