install using CD

Been searching the forum but can’t find a link with guide how to install Suse11 using CD (my crappy server does not have DVD). I read somewhere that i need minicd to boot. Where do i download minicd? if you could also point me to a guide on how to install via CD / network.

Thank you so much.


You can install with either of the LiveCDs. Despite the name, there is an install option at the boot menu so you don’t have to boot to a desktop to install. And you can choose to install a minimal text interface, despite the KDE and GNOME on the CDs.

i downloaded openSUSE-11.0-NET-i386 CD, can i use this to install SLES via network?


i downloaded openSUSE-11.0-NET-i386 CD, can i use this to install SLES via network?

This installs openSUSE-11.0,not SLES.

No, SLES/D and openSUSE are different products. The former is an enterprise product, the latter community. You can download the install media for SLES to use for a trial period, check in the SLES website and forums for instructions. You are on the openSUSE forums here.