This is safer approach of updating. It works as described, but it can be annoying at times.
The thing is that if I’m powering on my PC, that means I need it, so I want to use it as soon as possible.
But if weekly update interval is set, that makes the PC to hung installing 300+ updates for few minutes at times. Its annoying.
So why don’t updates are being installed just after user press the shut down button instead?
I’m fine if the PC continues to install updates for a few minutes. I already left the PC, i will never be annoyed this way.
To be more precise, current behavior:
Power on the PC → download updates → power off the PC → power on the pc → install updates → use the PC
Proposed behavior:
Power on the PC → download updates → power off the PC (press the power off buttn) → install updates right now, before the actual shut down → when updates are installed the PC get actually powered off → power on the PC → use the PC
Just my two cents, no expectations.