when i install the mplayer,the terminal show that:
============ Checking for gcc version ============
Result is: 4.2.1, bad
============ Checking for gcc-3.1 version ============
Result is: not found
============ Checking for gcc3 version ============
Result is: not found
============ Checking for gcc-3.0 version ============
Result is: not found
============ Checking for cc version ============
Result is: 4.2.1, bad
what i should do?
You might try to update gcc in YAST see what that does.
the version of gcc i had installed is 4.2.should i uninstall it and install the gcc-3.1?
Any reason you’re trying to compile MPlayer, rather than installing the package from the Packman repository?
If you don’t intend to patch MPlayer, or add something during the compiling process, may I suggest installing MPlayer through YaST? Installing the package through YaST will be much easier than compiling it from the source packages. If you are unsure of how to do this, open YaST and login with the root password and adding the Packman repository (Software Repositories -> Add -> Community Repositories -> Packman -> Next -> Finish -> close Repository Manager). Once you do that, simply following the instructions below to install MPlayer through YaST Package Manager:
- Open YaST Package Manager
- Enter root password when prompted
- Enter “mplayer” into the search field
- Select the “MPlayer” package
- Click the “Install” button
- Click the “Apply” button
- Wait for the package to install
- Decline to add more packages
If you wish to install MPlayer from source, try the following:
- Open YaST Package Manager
- Enter root password when prompted
- Click the dropdown labeled “Groups” (or possibly “Search”)
- Select “Patterns” from this dropdown
- Scroll down to the heading “Development”
- Select “Base Development”
- Click the “Install All” button
- Click “Apply”
- Wait for the packages to install
- Decline to install more packages
That will install all the base development packages.
Doing that should eliminate the chance of having development packages missing.
Hope that works for you! 
Thanks.it can work.i want to know what’s the Packman.Could you the me more about it?
The yast software manager can be configured to search for and download from a number of online repositories. Rather than repeating what has already been published many times, have a read of:
Package Repositories - openSUSE
Additional YaST Package Repositories - openSUSE
What Packman refers to is a repository. A repository is a server on which files and programs are added. When you subscribe to a repository through YaST (the package manager for OpenSUSE), you are able to install the application without having to compile it through the terminal. Another advantage is that when there is a newer version available from the repository, you will be alerted on your desktop (through the updater applet on your system tray) or when you view the Upgrades section of YaST Package Manager. For more information on Linux repositories, refer to the following pages…
The following page is also a good read for new users…
To add the repository and install MPlayer through YaST, complete the following instructions:
(Referring to the links above will also work)
Adding the Repository
- Open the application browser
- Search for “YaST” under the “System” heading
- Click the icon for YaST
- Enter the root password when prompted
- Click on “Software Repositories” under the “Software” heading
- Wait for the repositories to refresh
- Once the refresh ends, click the “Add” button
- Select “Community Repositories” from the circle-and-dot list
- Click the “Next” button
- Wait while the list of community repositories load
- Check the box for “Packman”
- Click the “OK” button
- Wait while the repository is readied
- Click “OK” again
- Agree to Import any Keys if prompted to
Installing MPlayer
- Open YaST again
- Enter root password when prompted
- Click “Software Management” under the “System” heading
- Wait for the repositories to refresh
- Enter “mplayer” into the search field on the top-left
- Click the “MPlayer” package which will appear in bold
- Click the “Install” button
- Click the “Apply” button
- Wait while the package installs
- Decline to install more software
For more information on YaST: refer to the OpenSUSE Wiki YaST page.
Hope that works for you!