Install from USB. Changed routine

Have OpenSuse changed its HowTo for making a bootable install USB drive?
With OpenSuse 12.1 I used isohybrid on the iso file first and then dd_rescue to create the USB drive from the DVD iso.
The HowTo has now changed dd_rescue to plain dd. Why is that?

When I try to run ***dd if=openSUSE-12.2-DVD-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdj ***the entire system halts. The process itself (dd) does not seem to use much CPU, but the load is a constant 100% and does not seem to finish(I can’t use the system in the mean time). After waiting half an hour I disconnected the USB drive. I then plugged it back in and it seemed to contain the DVD ISO data, but I am unsure if it is 100% OK.

Anyone remembers how the dd_rescue was used to create the USB install drive?

I use (after running “isohybrid”):

dd_rescue openSUSE-12.2-DVD-x86_64.iso /dev/sdf

It works fine.

“dd” does the same thing as “dd_rescue”, but without the comprehensive error checking.

I think your problem is buffering. By default, “dd” uses a blocksize of 512 bytes, so that requires many write operation.

Maybe you should have added “bs=1048576” to the command line (or, I think “bs=1M” would also work), so that you are tranferring larger blocks. Continue to use dd_rescue if it is available.

You say you are not 100% sure after using “dd”. And that’s what I like about “dd_rescue” - it provides a final summary statistics.

Excellent… Thanx.

I just let dd run for over an hour now while I was away. When I came back it had finished. So I guess success either way…

On 09/07/2012 12:16 PM, DJViking wrote:
> Excellent… Thanx.
> I just let dd run for over an hour now while I was away. When I came
> back it had finished. So I guess success either way…

Does imagewriter not do what you want? It works from the iso as downloaded, and
runs quickly.