Install an updated 13.1

Hi, I wanted to know if its possible to install an updated version of the 13.1 release.
I tried going thourgh the SUSE Studio route, but it got a bit complicated, having to manually select many many packages.

Things i wanted to have updated are packages from Kernel, KDE SC, Mesa Repository, packman, etc.
Im doing this to avoid having to update the whole system again once im finished installing 13.1.

Is there any way of doing this?


Probably a heck of a lot less work to do the latter, ie: Install the current and run the updates.

Will you not get an up-to-date system when you choose the network install image instead of the DVD or a live medium?

Furthermore, there used to be an option to add additional online repositories during setup, e.g. the official openSUSE update repo. In 13.1 I didn’t see this option. Is it gone?

However, both solutions will only work if you are online. No clue how to build an up-to-date installation medium in case you want to setup an openSUSE out in the sticks.

Good luck!

On 2014-06-11 02:46, supertimorplusfort wrote:
> Will you not get an up-to-date system when you choose the network
> install image instead of the DVD or a live medium?

Yes, and no.

The system is first installed, then updated, before the first boot. You
can say that it was installed, but it was done in two
distinct steps.

> Furthermore, there used to be an option to add additional online
> repositories during setup, e.g. the official openSUSE update repo. In
> 13.1 I didn’t see this option. Is it gone?

No. At least, I get it when doing upgrades.

> However, both solutions will only work if you are online. No clue how to
> build an up-to-date installation medium in case you want to setup an
> openSUSE out in the sticks.

With a big on disk repository…

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)


If you use the NET install CD, you will get an updated system, because it installs directly from the online repos.

If you use the DVD for install, then there is an option to add online repos for the install, though I think it only works for a wired internet connection. Add both the main repo and the update repo. Also, add the non-oss repo and the non-oss update repo. If I recall correctly, they are all in the list presented and you just have to check the boxes. If you install that way, you will install from the online repos whenever that has a more recent version of the software than is on the DVD.

However, if you want to do it all offline, then you are pretty much stuck with using the install media prepared last November, and you won’t get anything newer until you run updates.

OK, I see. The option is only present in the DVD installer but not in the live media? That probably explains why I couldn’t find it…

On 2014-06-11 04:06, supertimorplusfort wrote:
> OK, I see. The option is only present in the DVD installer but not in
> the live media? That probably explains why I couldn’t find it…

Ah, yes, it is a different installer.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Thank you guys, will try the network install DVD, adding the repositories i need :slight_smile:

Haven’t tried the full DVD, but the NET install CD works fine with a wireless Internet connection. That’s how I upgraded my system to 13.1… :wink:

But your wireless device has to be supported out of the box of course. It must not need any additional firmware or driver for its operation.

Yes, you are correct about the NET install. That does fine with Wireless, as long as you have a supported WiFi card. I tested that shortly after my failure with the DVD install on my laptop.

The DVD install does have a section for configuring the device. But there are no wireless options. There’s no place to select the SSID or to set a key for the network security. Try it sometime. You don’t need to do a full install. This happens before the partitioning section. You can abort after that if you don’t really need to install.

That was with 13.1. I have not yet tried that with a pre-release 13.2

On 2014-06-12 04:16, nrickert wrote:
> wolfi323;2648547 Wrote:
>> Haven’t tried the full DVD, but the NET install CD works fine with a
>> wireless Internet connection. That’s how I upgraded my system to 13.1…
>> :wink:
> Yes, you are correct about the NET install. That does fine with
> Wireless, as long as you have a supported WiFi card. I tested that
> shortly after my failure with the DVD install on my laptop.

Some versions ago it failed with my laptop, even if my wifi was
supported out of the box. And that recollection stays in memory, mine
and many other people, I guess, that had similar problem.

> That was with 13.1. I have not yet tried that with a pre-release 13.2

The 13.2 beta had problems with the gnome/kde image installers. I don’t
know if they got solved, but they were talking about removing the
install feature.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

I took my own advice. I tried the 20140602 snapshot: openSUSE-FTT-DVD-x86_64-Snapshot20140602-Media.iso

It did allow me to give the SSID and network key. Then the next screen said:
“These packages need to be installed
I told it to continue, though it was not clear how that would work.

The next screen said “The required packages are not installed. The configuration will be aborted”.

On 2014-06-12 04:56, nrickert wrote:

> It did allow me to give the SSID and network key. Then the next screen
> said:
> “These packages need to be installed
> iw
> ifplugd
> wpa_supplicant”
> I told it to continue, though it was not clear how that would work.

LOL. That’s an old bug.

Needing to install packages for network to be started… for which you
may need the network.

Or the installation media requiring some extra packages to configure its
own network… which obviously it can not, being a read only image
copied to a ram disk.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

This was with the install DVD, so it did have those packages in the repos on the DVD. The question was whether it could install them into its running ram disk. Apparently not.

On 2014-06-12 06:36, nrickert wrote:
> robin_listas;2648558 Wrote:
>> LOL. That’s an old bug.
>> Needing to install packages for network to be started… for which you
>> may need the network.
> This was with the install DVD, so it did have those packages in the
> repos on the DVD. The question was whether it could install them into
> its running ram disk. Apparently not.

Certainly not :slight_smile:

(that was the second case I described)

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)