Install 15.6 or Wait for 16.0?

It’s been a while since I have upgraded my system, I’m still running 15.3 and it runs perfect so always been hesitant to mess with success, but I know things are way out of date at this point.

I have always opted to do a fresh install rather than an update since I have my system partioned that I can format O/S and root without impacting any of my specific data.

My question at this point I guess is more of an opinion, should I do a fresh install of the current 15.6 and all the pain a fresh install entails or just wait at this point for 16.0 due out later 2025.

Thanks for your time and advice.

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I’ll be brief, cause this subject is mostly opinion, but there are technical aspects.

We always run the most current release of an OS and software running on it. This ensures the most current versions are running. Plus, there are security reasons for staying up to date.

It took us about 15-20 minutes to install 15.6 afresh on all our machines. (they were all previously running Tumbleweed). No “pain” involved or experienced.

When 16 is released, we’ll install afresh to all machines. (currently running 16-alpha in a VirtualBox VM).

Everyone has their own tolerance level regarding what they are comfortable using. (sidenote: retired software engineer here, plus a retired software manager - both of us are more comfortable running current software).


Hi. Why did you switch from Tumbleweed to Leap if you want recent software? :thinking:

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Hi @DMCorsa001 ,

As you are still on 15.3, I would say upgrade to 15.6 because the ‘leap’ to 16.0 will be bigger as it will include Plasma6 (if you use Plasma 5 that will be some difference). I find that I check how a new leap version behaves in a virtual machine before I deploy it. Leap i use for servers only Tumbleweed as my daily driver.

As @myswtest says it is mostly subjective however you need to keep in mind that 15.3 has been End Of Life for some time now. So if the system is hooked to the internet it could feel as working perfectly but with no updates it would pose a problem sooner or later. This of course in a certain sense also subjective but I feel it has some objectivity as well.

Whatever you decide the choise is yours :wink:

Kind regards,



Don’t wait for Leap 16.0, it can be delayed.

Doubtful. KDE 6 LTS is not available yet, even not in plans right now:

LTS releases

No scheduled LTS releases yet. If distributions find LTS releases useful, we will schedule those in close cooperation with the corresponding distributions.

I disagree with your doubtfulness :+1:
My current Leap 16 Pre-Alpha running:

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There is no policy, within Leap, that I’m aware of, to only ship LTS versions of anything, when offered by Upstream Developers.

Leap 16 will indeed ship with Plasma6, regardless of the existence of a declared LTS branch.

Current Plasma LTS is based on 5.27.10, whether that will be available in Leap 16, is a different question.