I am not sure if this issue has been discussed in the past (searches turned up zero relevant hits) so here goes. I am able to login as both root and a typical user when the system starts up at run level 5, however, I can’t when the system fires up at either level 1 or 3. For both users, I always get invalid password errors. See https://pasteboard.co/IP1Sn14.jpg. Currently I am investigating in a VM, but the host also experiences the same issues. If this has been discussed, I do apologize and a link to the resolution would be appreciated.
That would normally indicate numlock (not capslock from your image) is enabled in either multi-user (runlevel 3) or graphical (runlevel 5). Or a keyboard issue in a tty…
I have verified that it not either the numlock or caplock. I am intrigued by your tty reference. If there was an issue in that configuration, would it not also present itself in init 5 where the system is able to validate the password?
As a test if in the username you type the password it’s all ok too?
If in you GUI session if you open a terminal you can switch to root user, if you press ctrl+alt+F1 a tty should open, here you can login? press ctrl+alt+F7 or F8 to get back to the GUI session.
After some experimentation, I have found that if I remove numbers from the passwords that I can then log onto the system. I am also not using the extended number pad but the number keys above the normal letter keys. I have confirmed the keyboard setup in Yast as English US and the test entries appear correct.
The keyboard is USB, but being presented as PS/2 via VMWare Workstation…which answers your second question. In this instance, it is a virtual machine.
If I run the command on the host which is also openSUSE, I get:
Does change anything if you try, in a konsole as normal user, the following command ?
I ask this because I have to bear with a tedious & very very very random bug with keyboard right shift button (as far as I can remember the issue is ‘working’ since openSUSE 13).
This is the scenario :
openSUSE as host (13.0 -> 15.1 & Tumbleweed)
I run as VM (vmware player from version 5 to 15.5.1) a Windows machine (it can be XP or Seven)
sometime, but in a very random & not reproducible way, in the host OS the right shift button stop to work (left button works)
The simple solution, in my case, is the above command.
Likely is not the panacea for you because your issue is at level3 and not at level5 … but we (in Italy) use to say “trying doesn’t not harm”
If the one you dig up works, then if you try the current keyboard on another system and see if it works or not, then can confirm it’s either a hardware issue or a system issue.