Indroducing myself

I would like the introduce myself to the openSUSE community. I have been using Fedora since april and have deicided to switch to openSUSE i am a fairly new linux user and have started out with Ubuntu in March but i removed it. I have Flash Firefox and a couple of games installed on SUSE and I am managing fine with this Great linux distribution!

Welcome here.
Settle down and enjoy this great OS. We are here to help if you need it :smiley:

Hi Markmental
Welcome to the openSUSE Community :slight_smile:

Hello Markmental

Welcome to openSUSE :slight_smile:

Welcome to openSUSE. Fedora is a great distribution (IMHO) and I really like it. I hope you also find openSUSE to be a good experience.

Similiar to the Fedora forum, we are all unpaid volunteer/enthusiasts on our forum, who provide help and share our experiences with openSUSE.

We have a number of guides in our forum how-to section : How To/FAQ Forums so be sure to explore that.

In particular there are guides there how to setup one’s multimedia (which is VERY EASY in openSUSE once one know hows, but for new users it is maddening and often one of the things disgruntled distro hoppers hate the most about openSUSE).

I find when I check out a new distribution the thing that typically puzzles me the most (due to my lack of familiarity) is how the software repositories are structured. My recommendation for openSUSE, even though there are MANY DOZEN different repositories, is to stick with only 4 repositories until one learns more. I myself stick mainly with only 4. The 4 repositories I recommend are the 3 official repositories: OSS (opensource free software), Non-OSS (which is non-free (per software foundation free definition) free software, and Update (official updates to OSS and Non-OSS). I also recommend as a 4th repos the non-official Packman repository which is the largest 3rd party repository of software. There are different subrepositories in Packman, but I typically go for the ‘all’ top level.

Don’t spin you wheels to much on a problem. In my view give something a limited try, do a limited search, and if after 15 minutes to 30 minutes one gets no where, then post asking for help. We have many volunteer enthusiasts who typically pitch in help our users.

Again, welcome to openSUSE and to our forums.

Yes, I join the others. Welcome!

Hey, new blood. Welcome! :slight_smile:
Beer is in the fridge, help yourself!

Hash: SHA1

Hello and welcome, I wish you a lot of fun with openSUSE :slight_smile:


Microsoft Windows is like air conditioning
Stops working when you open a window.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.15 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -


A warm welcome from me too. :slight_smile:

I would like the introduce myself to the openSUSE community. I have been using Fedora since april and have deicided to switch to openSUSE i am a fairly new linux user and have started out with Ubuntu in March but i removed it. I have Flash Firefox and a couple of games installed on SUSE and I am managing fine with this Great linux distribution!

May I also welcome you to the openSUSE forums Markmental. Please tell us of your interests when using Linux. Perhaps we can point you into the many resources we have here at our disposal that may be to your liking.

Thank You,