Import of opensuse-15.5 is not supported on GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

My app runs on openSUSE Leap 15.5. I am getting error when importing my app to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

[import-image]: 2024-05-14T01:49:25Z Inspecting disk for OS and bootloader
[import-image]: 2024-05-14T01:50:48Z Inspection result=os_release:{cli_formatted:“opensuse-15” distro:“opensuse” major_version:“15” minor_version:“5” architecture:X64 distro_id:OPENSUSE} bios_bootable:true elapsed_time_ms:82195 os_count:1
[import-image]: 2024-05-14T01:51:04Z Making disk bootable on Google Compute Engine
[import-image]: 2024-05-14T01:52:30Z step “wait-for-translator” run error: WaitForInstancesSignal FailureMatch found for “inst-translator-translate-xws2x”: “TranslateFailed: error: Import of opensuse-15.5 is not supported. The following versions are supported: [opensuse-15.1|2, opensuse-15.3|4, sles-15.1|2|3|4, sles-15.0, sles-12.4|5]”

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