I'm offended

I install new thread icons here (with the approval of the forum staff) that are easier to identify the status of forums/threads and nobody in the community even makes a comment. Sheesh… maybe you’re all out Christmas/Hanukkah/Yule shopping… :’(


Actually there are some comments in feedback,

what do the new icons mean?

On 2010-12-03, kgroneman <kgroneman@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> I install new thread icons here (with the approval of the forum staff)
> that are easier to identify the status of forums/threads and nobody in
> the community even makes a comment. Sheesh… maybe you’re all out
> Christmas/Hanukkah/Yule shopping… :’(

Icons? What icons?

There are icons here ???


When in doubt, use brute force.
– Ken Thompson

Oh, I am sorry. Thought it was because of the most recent version of Firefox. I like the red one…remind me of a Santa Claus. So the color will adapt to season? Like in Spring there will be daisies on them?

Nice for me though since I am seeing less every day and they are large enough. Thanks from a visually impaired. :wink:

On 2010-12-03 18:36, kgroneman wrote:

I use NNTP, so I don’t see them :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)

I am hardly even logged in when I visit so I really didn’t notice any change other than the icons were different. I mostly lurk and visit several times a day only logging in to comment.

I already said the the new design is very nice IMHO. Check out forum feedback :slight_smile:

Ho, ho, ho!

Do not eat y. snow.

Carlos E. R. adjusted his/her AFDB on Fri 3 December 2010 22:03 to write:

> On 2010-12-03 18:36, kgroneman wrote:
> I use NNTP, so I don’t see them :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m with Carlos on this one Kim.

But nice of you all the same :slight_smile:


Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum

I like the new icons, It’s good to see occasional changes.
If there is one change I would like to see it’s the addition of the “#” code button for quick reply, perhaps even labelled “code”.
Anything that encourages the appropriate use of code tags would have to be a good thing.

Hi Kim,

Next time you want some attention, it’s less work and faster to post a thread entitled I’m Offended instead of changing the icons.

Just kidding. Happy holiday season. lol!

You mean the very discreet and unassuming BLEEDING RED mail icons? No, I didn’t notice… :smiley:

Kim, the revised home page looks good. When you feel happier, head over to this post where we would like to hear your thoughts on that little problem. :slight_smile:

You are right. Now I see them. They are beautiful. Good work.

If this console you, I have to say that I noticed them in tenths of second after connecting to the page. So, it was impossible not to see them.
If fact, as someone said before, there are comments in another thread.
Anyway, we can like them or not, but everybody appreciates your work.:wink:

So I am not going mad… new something was different but couldn’t put my finger on it :slight_smile:

Looks great!


I was so focused on the inquiries I never noticed. Now that I see them they look great it adds some color to the forum. Now I’d miss 'em if they were removed.
I hope you’ll forgive us for not noticing. I’m really sorry for not noticing.

Sorry, but when new fancy icons appear as they do from time to time, one often doesn’t know who is responsible, who to thank, or who to object to. In this this case I gree they add some color and definition … so don’t be offended pls, accept a deserved thanks now that I know who to thank.

Never before in the history of information technology a set of icons have been more alive, more vibrating, more revolutionary. These icons do not only look good, they do much much more - they inspire because they tell a story; the story of a man who, despite of the risk of no one even noticing his efforts, dedicated every fibre of his very self to create an iconset that will change our world.

I am not sure how to describe my first reaction; at first I only noted some change. Looking a little closer it was a bit of a shock, like staring directly into the sun. I stared at my monitor for some minutes, maybe even an hour, hypnotized, paralysed. Then I kind of regained my conciousness, shouting out “But hey: it’s only a new iconset!” - yeah, only a new iconset, but unlike any other before.

kgroneman, thank you for contributing an iconset with… a soul.

Thanks groupiuskalle for a good ROTFL!