Icons of the desktop disappeared


I am using OpenSuse 13,1 and KDE

The icons of the desktop disappeared
However, the icons are still in the folder /home/sergio/.local/aplications and always keep the settings the desktop layout to “Standard Desktop”

So, how do I make these icons re-appear?

Thanks in a advance

If you mean Default Desktop (I don’t have a Standard Desktop option), then right click, Add Widgets, search for the Folder View widget and move it on to the Desktop. If the icons do not appear inside it, right click on it, select Folder Options and click Show Desktop folder.

I do not understand anything.

As I’ve said before, my desktop icons have disappeared. I do not know what reason.

I opened the “/home/sergio/.local/share/aplications” folder and clicked on the Thunderbird program
Immediately after that click, all the icons reappeared in DeskTop

Can anyone tell why this erratic behavior?

Thanks in advance

No don’t know. But you must understand that in KDE there are several different ways to display icons on the desktop. So we don’t know if you were using a Folder layout or a folder widget. Note that a widget is used by default. It is all controlled by right clicking the desktop and selecting Folder Settings . Also you can have multiple desktops with or without icons.or a different set of icons. Unless you change the wallpapers they all look the same. So you could have accidentally changed to a Desktop that had no icons assigned and though the icons were gone but they were still on the origianl desktop. If FF was open then selecting it from the task manager would take you back to the original Desktop and again you see the icons.

Don’t know if that happened because I don’t know how you have your system configured but I’d say it is a good guess

And the “icons” (.desktop files actually) in ~/.local/share/aplications are not shown on the Desktop at all.
They are only shown in the K-Menu.

So there’s definitely still some clarification necessary here about the actual problem…

Which icons disappeared where?
Maybe post a screenshot.

And then there is Activities.

Here I have 3:

  • Desktop Icons
  • New Activity
  • Desktop

If you accidentally hit the Win key & the Tab key instead of Alt-Tab, you could have flipped away from your Desktop Icons to another activity.