Icon theaming fine detail

I am trying to make a fine tuning on my icons.
I use Gnome 3.26.
So I place the icon themes either on /usr/share/icons or ~/.icons and that works fine.
I got the icon set Suru++ witch comes with many different colors of folders, but I can only get the default blue folder set.
I managed to change individually a couple of folders, but I can not have to change every single file by hand.
There may be a way to switch all folders to a different color at once.
The instructions that came with the files were not straight forward.

Thank you.

Did you try this one? GitHub - gusbemacbe/suru-plus: Suru++ 25 — A cyberpunk, elegant, futuristic and Papirus-like third-party icons theme

Yes that is the one I got.

AFAIK, this is a manual process after adding nautilus-extension-folder-color and you right click on the folder to customize… I split out the three icon sets eSuru++, Suru++ and Suru+±Light, rebuilt the gtk cache and all good…

Thanks I found info about Folder-color that ou mentioned here.
I maneged to install averything eccept for the ‘folder-color’.
I tryed terminal, yast, one click install.
I got the answer that I needed, now I am only trying to go around this new issue.
Thank you very much.

Installing the package i mentioned pulls in the extra dependencies :wink:

So in my ~/.icons folder I have;

ls .icons/*Suru*
actions  animations  apps  categories  devices  emblems  emotes index.theme  intl  mimetypes  panel  places  status

actions  animations  apps  categories  devices  emblems  emotes index.theme  intl  mimetypes  panel  places  scalable-max-32  status  stock

actions  animations  apps  categories  devices  emblems  emotes index.theme  intl  mimetypes  panel  places  status

gtk-update-icon-cache ~/.icons/eSuru++
gtk-update-icon-cache: Cache file created successfully.

gtk-update-icon-cache ~/.icons/Suru++
gtk-update-icon-cache: Cache file created successfully.

gtk-update-icon-cache ~/.icons/Suru++-Light
gtk-update-icon-cache: Cache file created successfully.

ls -la .icons/*Suru*/icon-theme.cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 username users 2303256 Apr 20 18:29 .icons/eSuru++/icon-theme.cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 username users 2347868 Apr 20 18:30 .icons/Suru++/icon-theme.cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 username users 2348492 Apr 20 18:30 .icons/Suru++-Light/icon-theme.cache

Once cache is created, should be good to go…

One more thing.
There is this features folder with many instructions, but I can not figure this out.
It mentions how to change all folders at once.

## Folders redesign and new colours

The new versions have won new colours of folders, based by Alexey Varfolomeev’s Papirus. In the version 25.0, it won new folders with colour of Linux Mint. In the version 25.2.0, more three folders colours — indigo, pink and Manjaro-coloured. Finally, in the version 30, it officially supports gradients and won more new colours, 90s Summer, Aurora and FitDance. Based on Suru++ Ubuntu, new colours: bordeaux, Canonical, Disco Dingo, Ubuntu and vermilion. With totally compatible with @Roboron3042](https://github.com/Roboron3042)'s [Cyberpunk Neon](https://github.com/Roboron3042/Cyberpunk-Neon), it won new folders with colours of Cyberpunk Neon!

As Suru++ is officially compatible with @actionless](https://github.com/actionless)'s [Oomox](https://github.com/themix-project/oomox), you can change any colour of all folders once and for all!

<p align="center">
  <img alt="Folders" src="images/previews/preview3.svg?sanitize=true">

I do not understand when it says :
<p align=“center”>
<img alt=“Folders” src=“images/previews/preview3.svg?sanitize=true”>


AFAICT is this is the tool used to create the themes, not for the end user… https://github.com/themix-project/oomox