IceWM menu config location?

Using OpenSuSE 11.2 and IceWM, where is the menu config file located?

It is not in ~/.icewm and the /etc/icewm/menu file is not the same as that displayed with the “start” button. There is no other file named “menu” on the system.

I have searched the forums and Google and not found any info; please point me to it if it is out there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You should remove ‘icewm-lite’ installed by default. It will install ‘icewm’ instead. The system config files including menus are in /etc/icewm.

On 12/15/2009 09:46 AM, jruff wrote:
> Using OpenSuSE 11.2 and IceWM, where is the menu config file located?
> It is not in ~/.icewm and the /etc/icewm/menu file is not the same as
> that displayed with the “start” button. There is no other file named
> “menu” on the system.

You can copy the system configs, /etc/icewm/*, to ~/.icewm/
and edit configs there to your liking:

~/.icewm/menu (this is the menu you want)
~/.icewm/toolbar (configures the toolbar)
~/.icewm/preferences, keys, winoptions (other configs to play with)

To add, if you want a gui for customization, install icewmcp

Thanks for the quick replies, but I do not have IceWM-Lite installed, I have icewm and icewm-default.

The config files are supposed to be where you indicate. But, the “menu” file in /etc/icewm is not being used by the system. And there is no “menu” file in the ~/.icewm directory. Even if a “menu” file is put into ~/.icewm, it is ignored.

I installed iceWMCP, but it uses the directories above, but to no effect.

The config file is somewhere else.


I generate /etc/icewm/ menu, /etc/icewm/keys and /etc/icewm/toolbar from a script everytime after installing a new package. All files are in /etc/icewm (actually a symlink on my system, but it doesn’t matter). I don’t have config files in ~/.icewm except ~/.icewm/focus_mode .

You can change the default location of config files when you compile icewm. I do that sometimes on BSD. But if you installed the rpm from the openSUSE repo - as I did - it should be /etc/icewm… at least for the 64bit version.

Check if you don’t have a suspicious environment variable set (?) What does “icewm -v” say ?
Mine says : IceWM 1.2.38pre1 .