I Think I'm Coming Back!!!

Well, after going through Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, then back to Ubuntu, and then trying Arch (which I am not ready for), I think I’m coming back to openSUSE! I plan to install openSUSE 11.1 KDE4 with the LiveCD.

Is there anything I should know about? Anything good/bad? Any thoughts? Recommendations? Documentation? Anything?!?!?!?

I feel like I’m about to take a breath of fresh, clean air with openSUSE again; let’s hope that the experience lives up to that feeling.

Btw, there was something about proprietary nvidia drivers not working well with KDE. I have always used a prop. nvidia driver; what’s wrong with using it in openSUSE KDE? Anything? I REALLY want to use KWin and all the cool effects. It’s…just…awesome!!!

Well, better get down to burning that .iso.

if i were you i wouldn’t use the live cd to do an install, download the dvd install is alot smoother and less problems

Hmmm… Really? I don’t have any blank DVDs and the Live CD has always worked for me before… What kinds of things might go wrong?

alot of the problems i’ve been reading about are video issues and wireless issues

I use the DVD iso but I never burn it. I just put the iso in a partition I’m not to touch and Linuxrc - openSUSE allows me to install directly from the iso.

Ok this is even worse than before. I don’t even want to bother now because I’ve put too much time into this already. Oh well, back to good old ubuntu-- hasn’t let me down yet!

Bye bye opensuse community. I might see you again later!

redrazor39 wrote:
> Ok this is even worse than before. I don’t even want to bother now
> because I’ve put too much time into this already. Oh well, back to good
> old ubuntu-- hasn’t let me down yet!
> Bye bye opensuse community. I might see you again later!
Or you could just try the livecd and see if it works for you. Then
again, if you really want to try, an hour looking on a forum wouldn’t be
putting “too much time into this already”.