I`m here get of winXp and get into SUSE :)

Hi everyone all of you,

Im here few months and get lots of help from you. 95% of you doing very good job. I installed SUSE 10.2,10.3,11.0 and 11.1 the same computer what I have. The suse 10.1 -11.0 I was not so into it but now Im interest going full into SUSE11.1 and have lots of fun.

I have lots of passion,Im sorry I dont write clearly.Im sorry for everyone of you and I try my best,Im just a human not a computerlol!.
I hope SUSE will do like WinXp can do.

See you in other Thread.

I always thank you for eveything in the past or in the Future help,

thnx againrotfl!:peace:

openSUSE can do a lot of things for you what XP can’t. :wink:

Glad to read you are enjoying 11.1. I am a big Linux fan, and I have been using Linux on my home PC , almost (not quite) exclusively since 1998.

I still keep winXP around for some reasons reasons:
a. compatibility with proprietary data that requires proprietary winXP applications (often office related, but sometimes related to data from friends or related to data provided in internet streaming);
b. available for wife to use if her PC dies, and available for visiting friends to use (I am not a believer in forcing Linux on anyone);
c. compatibility with BIOS/firmware updates, where manufacturers only provide windows software for updating BIOS/firmware;
d. independent OS to check when I think there may be a hardware problem;
e. I paid for windows (as part of OEM), and I am too cheap to throw away completely something I paid for :slight_smile:

The last reason is the weakest. :slight_smile:

Still, I believe the more I learn about Linux, likely the more I learn about PCs and the better off I am , even if my path for computer usage takes me in a direction different than openSUSE Linux at some future time.

Glad to read you are enjoying your experience.

I’m saving my XP system for my blackberry updates and various bill payment sites. Otherwise I barely boot it up now. And crap it’s only been like a month or so now.

Last reason: Gamez :)… but I’m sure if you have a proper gaming machine and not some laptop you can probably get some games to work on linux too (I’m not talking about tux racer…) :slight_smile:

Last reason: Gamez :)… but I’m sure if you have a proper gaming machine and not some laptop you can probably get some games to work on linux too (I’m not talking about tux racer…) :slight_smile:

Computer is not for game made if you like to playing use MSN box,Sony…
Computer is design for writing.
Type machines in 70s was big one,then computer takes over inlate 70s and early`s 80 take over it.
So computer is a modern electronic typing
You look the type writer keyboard and the computer keyboard are the same laying out.
But our century our year 2009 you can use Touchscreen,that is a different story.

Is saying:

That is the way I came back and now I like to use Linux before I use Amiga and Mandriva…
But I like Suse and I get slowly into it,for my self it takes time for me I`m a old men.
Well that way it goes when getting old

You’re too nice :wink:
If anyone is in need of a PC to use I always point them to my ‘home server’ running KDE4.1 and gloat from a distance.

Doesn’t last long though, as once people start clicking around they’ll notice the ‘base functionality’ isn’t all that different.

I will tell what is the different between MI$ and Mandriva/Suse:
Okay#1 MI$:
It is installed or you install it from fresh,you pay a new hardware ,it will ask for a disk right yes it will.
Okay#2 Mandriva/suse and other linux :
You go shopping again and I or you should make sure the hardware will work with the Linux OS.If it`s works very,very good.Then you go home and but it together.

I`m not ready to let winxp to go few thing have be solved if it is not solved,well I got only one choice,go back to winxp upgrade to Win& /Mandriva::\

Correct, typing is what computers and linux do best. Design work starts with story boards and sketching. Then to digital and print. MS and Apple Mac systems do the heavy lifting. I read about linux with design and tried it here and no. Adobe from start to finished product. Sometimes even Quark >:), newspapers love it! And maybe not typing, MS has dragon speak and it works.Another reason to keep MS.

I dont know about AMIGA,before Amiga was 100% good in video and maybe graphic to.But I dont know now haw is Amiga now?.

On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 02:06:01 +0000, 1michael1 wrote:

> But I don`t know now haw is Amiga now?.


But in its day, it was excellent and light years ahead of the competition
for many things. The “video toaster” was a very cool product you could
add on for a very reasonable price and do professional-level video
editing, titling, etc. I knew a few local TV stations where I grew up
that purchased them because they were FAR cheaper than high-end video
editing equipment, and they put out very good results.


You know I spend at that time about $8000.00 Us with big tower including Video toaster cd player ,modem and the list is going on.A friend setup the system until I went back to win98-winxp and now I like linux special suse lol!.
The Amiga was old timer for me now.

On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 03:06:02 +0000, 1michael1 wrote:

> hendersj;1943218 Wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 02:06:01 +0000, 1michael1 wrote:
>> > But I don`t know now haw is Amiga now?.
>> Old.
>> But in its day, it was excellent and light years ahead of the
>> competition
>> for many things. The “video toaster” was a very cool product you could
>> add on for a very reasonable price and do professional-level video
>> editing, titling, etc. I knew a few local TV stations where I grew up
>> that purchased them because they were FAR cheaper than high-end video
>> editing equipment, and they put out very good results.
>> Jim
> You know I spend at that time about $8000.00 Us with big tower including
> Video toaster cd player ,modem and the list is going on.A friend setup
> the system until I went back to win98-winxp and now I like linux special
> suse lol!.
> The Amiga was old timer for me now.

I saw a live demo done on a $500 Amiga 500 with a video toaster - but
even at $8K, it was a steal compared to the cost of studio equipment. :slight_smile:

But I know what you mean about spending a small fortune on computers.
Back in '94, I co-authored my first book, and I spent about $12K on a
pair of Compaq servers for my home lab. $1.5K each for two 32 MB memory

Ah, the good ol’ days. :slight_smile:

My most recent system is an AMD64 dual core, spent about $300 on it plus
$50 for an upgrade to 2 GB of RAM. :slight_smile:
