i have install gromacs but can't see him

Hi all i’m new here, this is my first time that i use a linux enviroment, i install opensusa 15.2 because my professor told me to learn how to use it. I have an issue i installed gromacs (GROMACS is a versatile and extremely well optimized package to perform molecular dynamics computer simulations and subsequent trajectory analysis) but can’t find the application anywhere, where is it if i installed it?
Here the code that demostrate that i installed correctly gromacs latest version

topomatto@192:~> zypper info -t pattern package:gromacs
Caricamento dati del repository in corso...
Lettura dei pacchetti installati in corso...

Informazioni per pacchetto gromacs:
Repository            : Main Repository
Nome                  : gromacs
Versione              : 2018.4-lp152.2.55
Arch.                 : x86_64
Fornitore             : openSUSE
Dimensione installata : 5,8 MiB
installato            : Sì
Stato                 : aggiornato
Pacchetto sorgente    : gromacs-2018.4-lp152.2.55.src
Sommario              : Molecular Dynamics Package
Descrizione           : 
    GROMACS is a versatile and extremely well optimized
    package to perform
    molecular dynamics computer simulations and subsequent
    trajectory analysis.
    It is developed for biomolecules like proteins, but the
    extremely high
    performance means it is used also in several other field
    like polymer chemistry
    and solid state physics.

Hope someone can help me

Only a terminal program?
Run it with:


executables are mostly in /usr/bin so you can searc:

rpm -ql gromacs | grep -i bin


AHNN i think this wasn’t a terminal application, i watched some bangla video on youtube that explain how to use gromacs and they run it with the terminal, now i try too. Hope all will going ok. Thank you for the tips if one day we will meet i’ll offer to you a beer or something to drink :slight_smile: