I got my webcam working and now its upsidedown in kpete

My web cam working and now its upside down I don’t want upside down , the display of me.
When I say something to a person he doesn’t hear me. But he can see me.
I would like the camera to display me normally. The program is kopete. OpenSuse 11 Kde 4.0

On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:06:03 GMT
Rukasuzu <Rukasuzu@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:

> My web cam working and now its upside down I don’t want upside down ,
> the display of me.
> When I say something to a person he doesn’t hear me. But he can see
> me.
> I would like the camera to display me normally. The program is kopete.
> OpenSuse 11 Kde 4.0

Yeah yeah… dumb question here…

Is your camera right-side up?

With video4linux devices, you can cause the image to be flipped (up/down) or
mirrored (left/right) by echoing a ‘1’ or ‘0’ to the following devices:

(as root)
To flip vertically (flip):
echo 1 >/sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip

To flip horizontally (mirror):
echo 1 >/sys/class/video4linux/video0/hflip

These settings are only good until you reboot again (or unplug the webcam I
imagine too)

You CAN set this permanently, but all the web sources involve a source code
change and/or a module option… neither of which I can provide information
on since you didn’t provide us with anything to go on… make, model of
webcam, etc.

(and your audio problem is a different problem, check your microphone and
mixer settings)


L R Nix

Those commands crashed my camera :frowning:

I am using kde 4.0

They donot work those commands
Sorry if I repeated myself

Those commands do not work :frowning:

I did something and now camera says cannot grab video after second run

Now the problem seems I have no chanells.txt cause I deleted it any idea how to fix this?
How do I reinstall Video4lINUX2?
I am new to this so please bare with me


I have the same problem here - upside down picture in LUVCview. I haven’t tried installing any video communicators, since I had the same problem in Ubuntu.

I’m using OpenSuSE 11.1, fresh install on ASUS X71Vn (no possibility to physically rotate the camera unfortunately…). I already spent some hours trying to get the nVidia drivers work properly (beginners mistakes made this took that long…), so I’d be happy to fix this and stay with this system.

My wife is already mad at me for sitting too long trying to fix this…

I tried the commands mentioned here, but I got:

bash: /sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip: No such file or directory

Beside the webcam, everything works perfectly!

Made any progress thus far?

I got a link to a forum with a solution for Ubuntu:

[kubuntu] [HOW-TO] Upside-down image from UVC webcam - Ubuntu Forums](http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=838210)

And one more for Mandriva, but that one is in Polish.

So far I learned, that only solution for flipping the camera with the UVCvideo driver is patching the driver - procedure is on the linked forum.

Linux UVC driver & tools - here is something more about the uvc driver, but I haven’t figured out yet, how to utilize that.

Some people told me, that updating the driver should be enough, but that didn’t work for me.

The procedure seems way too complicated, so, for now, I’ll just live with flipped camera…