I don`t have xdm file

When I boot my computer can login only into text molde because My /etc/init.d/xdm is missing

xdm is a display manager
/etc/init.d/xdm probably holds xdm’s configuration, if xdm is installed /etc/init.d/xdm should be there
what desktop are you using as plasma 5 installs/prefers sddm and gnome gdm
how are you booting to text mode without a display manager?
I don’t have xdm installed and I don’t have /etc/init.d/xdm
did you maybe edit /etc/sysconfig and chose an not installed display manager?
you can eather install xdm or set sddm or gdm as your display manager. to install xdm in text mode do

sudo zypper in xdm

id you want to use sddm as your manager edit
find and change

/etc/init.d/xdm doesn’t exist at all since openSUSE 13.2.
It has been replaced by a systemd unit /usr/lib/systemd/system/display-manager.service.

To your problem:
Does “init 5” work?

What is the default boot target?

systemctl get-default

It should be “graphical.target” for X to be started.

If that is ok, have a look into /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why X fails to start, and/or the output of:

systemctl status display-manager

You likely do have xdm installed as it is mandatory… :wink:

did you maybe edit /etc/sysconfig and chose an not installed display manager?

display-manager.service should fall back to xdm in that case.

On systemctl get-default result is graphical.target

systemctl status display-manager responded active failed and failed to start x display manager


What Desktop is installed (that would suggest which display manager should be installed and configured)
Is this a brand new install, or a machine you have been using for some time?
Do you have multiple Desktops installed, or just the one when you first installed?


Ok, then it does at least try to start the graphical session.

systemctl status display-manager responded active failed and failed to start x display manager

What’s the output exactly?
Also, please run it as root, so that it maybe gives for information about the reason it failed.

Does “systemctl restart display-manager” bring up a graphical session?

Does “startx” (as root) work?

As agunet74 decided to create a new thread about his problem, let’s please continue there:

@agunet74: Please provide answers to my previous questions in the other thread, though probably reinstalling the nvidia driver will fix it already.

Closing this thread accordingly.