I can't log in with the latest kernel update (Tumbleweed kernel 6.13.0-1-default)

I can’t log in with the latest kernel update for opensuse tumbleweed (6.13.0-1-default). If I select the previous kernel version in the grub menu (6.12.10-1-default), I can log in normally. Is anyone else having the same problem? Any suggestions?

Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on …

I didn’t change any settings in grub. And it continues to work normally with the previous kernel. I don’t really know what it could be.

Missing initrd? Show

ls -l /boot

and upload /boot/grub2/grub.cfg to https://paste.opensuse.org/

ls -l /boot
total 139488
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 jan 22 21:15 config-6.12.10-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 jan 23 20:02 config-6.13.0-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/config
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 16384 dez 31 1969 efi
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 98 jan 24 08:27 grub2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 jan 22 21:16 initrd → initrd-6.12.10-1-default
-rw------- 1 root root 71272881 jan 23 20:03 initrd-6.12.10-1-default
-rw------- 1 root root 71501462 jan 25 08:42 initrd-6.13.0-1-default
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 48 jan 22 21:15 sysctl.conf-6.12.10-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/sysctl.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 jan 23 20:02 sysctl.conf-6.13.0-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/sysctl.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 jan 22 21:15 System.map-6.12.10-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/System.map
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 jan 23 20:02 System.map-6.13.0-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/System.map
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 jan 22 21:16 vmlinuz → vmlinuz-6.12.10-1-default
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 44 jan 22 21:15 vmlinuz-6.12.10-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/vmlinuz
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 jan 23 20:02 vmlinuz-6.13.0-1-default → …/usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/vmlinuz

grub.cfg: openSUSE Paste

All files are there.

I even recreated the initrd thinking it might be corrupted. Same result.

All files are there.

I even recreated the initrd thinking it might be corrupted. Same result.

For now I’m going to use the old kernel. I’ve been using Linux for decades and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for at least 5 years and this is the first time this kind of error has occurred.

Please, post computer output as preformatted text to make it readable.

		linux	/boot/vmlinuz-6.13.0-1-default root=/dev/sda2  ${extra_cmdline} splash=silent resume=/dev/disk/by-uuid/098c2bee-41d4-4215-b9d4-05ebeaf492d0 quiet mitigations=auto

There is no initrd for this kernel. Try

update-bootloader --refresh

Does grub.cfg now contains the correct entry?

Sorry. I think this is my first post on this forum.

ls -l /boot
total 139544
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       43 jan 22 21:15 config-6.12.10-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       42 jan 23 20:02 config-6.13.0-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/config
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root    16384 dez 31  1969 efi
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root       98 jan 24 08:27 grub2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       24 jan 22 21:16 initrd -> initrd-6.12.10-1-default
-rw------- 1 root root 71349445 jan 25 09:53 initrd-6.12.10-1-default
-rw------- 1 root root 71483361 jan 25 09:53 initrd-6.13.0-1-default
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       48 jan 22 21:15 sysctl.conf-6.12.10-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/sysctl.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       47 jan 23 20:02 sysctl.conf-6.13.0-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/sysctl.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       47 jan 22 21:15 System.map-6.12.10-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/System.map
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       46 jan 23 20:02 System.map-6.13.0-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/System.map
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       25 jan 22 21:16 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-6.12.10-1-default
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       44 jan 22 21:15 vmlinuz-6.12.10-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.12.10-1-default/vmlinuz
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       43 jan 23 20:02 vmlinuz-6.13.0-1-default -> ../usr/lib/modules/6.13.0-1-default/vmlinuz

update-bootloader --refresh didn’t work.

> sudo update-bootloader --refresh
[sudo] senha para root: 
unknown option: --refresh
Usage: update-bootloader [OPTIONS]
Configure/install boot loader.

    --install                   Install boot loader.
    --config                    Create boot loader config.
    --show                      Print current boot loader.
    --loader BOOTLOADER         Set current boot loader to BOOTLOADER.
                                Supported values: none, grub2, grub2-bls, grub2-efi, systemd-boot, u-boot.
    --default ENTRY             Set default boot entry to ENTRY.
    --add-option OPTION         Add OPTION to default boot options.
    --del-option OPTION         Delete OPTION from default boot options.
    --get-option OPTION         Get OPTION from default boot options.
    --add-kernel VERSION [KERNEL [INITRD]]
                                Add kernel with version VERSION. Optionally pass kernel and initrd
    --remove-kernel VERSION     Remove kernel with version VERSION.
    --default-settings          Return default kernel, initrd, and boot options.
    --log LOGFILE               Log messages to LOGFILE (default: /var/log/pbl.log)
    --version                   Show pbl version.
    --help                      Write this help text.

Legacy options:
    --reinit                    Re-install boot loader (equivalent to --install --config).
    --add                       Add new entry to boot loader configuration. Requires also --name,
                                --image, and --initrd options. Use --add-kernel instead.
    --image KERNEL              Use KERNEL as kernel when adding a boot loader entry.
    --initrd INITRD             Use INITRD as initrd when adding a boot loader entry.
    --name VERSION              Use VERSION as name for new boot loader entry.
    --force                     This option is ignored.

Calling update-bootloader without any options will rebuild the boot loader configuration
(as if --config would have been used).

But I recreate again initrd with

dracut --force --kver 6.13.0-1-default 

And recreate grub with


And initrd entry now is in the grub.cfg

Rebooting the system now to test.

 sudo /sbin/update-bootloader --reinit

did the trick.

It seems that during the installation of the new kernel, the grub.cfg file was not updated correctly or the intrd was not generated correctly.

I don’t really know what happened. Maybe some random error during the kernel package installation. Anyway, it’s working now.

Thank you for the support arvidjaar.

Sorry, muscle memory. I believe, it has been added back, but the “official” one is --config.

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